Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Canadian Respite: 3 1/2 Weeks Out

I'm seeing Canada*** about as well as Sarah Palin did Russia from Alaska. She could see it from her backyard, right?

***For those of you new to the old blog, I went on a week long trip to Canada recently, given to me by a wonderful organization called Caregifted.  I hadn't been away, truly away for nearly twenty years, and damn, it was good. I'm trying to hold on to the soul restoration I experienced.


  1. It is funny because my husband and I are just down the road an hour and a bit down from where you were and we are planning a trip away. Anywhere off the island would be nice!

  2. It's inevitable, of course, that you will be drawn back into your day-to-day life and concerns. Enjoy your respite for what it was, and think about ways to do it again! Maybe you should take an annual break somewhere?

  3. Steve is right, of course. One week after twenty years is a miracle of a blessing but unless you are Saul and that week included a road trip to Damascus, soul restoration is going to erode after a time.
    But at least now you know there IS the possibility of soul restoration. Which is something, isn't it?

  4. Squeeze all the juice out of it you can, then work on the peel, then start nibbling the seeds. By the time the lusciousness is all gone, perhaps another respite will be hanging ripe for the picking.

  5. If you can figure out a way to hang on to it, let me know. Short of that, I'd suggest once a year is an admirable goal.

  6. Start planning your next trip. Something to look forward to! That's what I do, even when they are years apart.

  7. Sometimes it's even harder when you do get a break because then you realize...
