Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Hilton Head, Part 4,567,356

So, they look good, these boys of mine! They've spent nearly three weeks at Camp Grandma and Pop Pop, and I was so happy to see them tonight after my day of airplanes and airports and airport spinach dip and airport beer and a large pack of Twizzlers and three New Yorkers and one fantastic memoir (my friend Tanya Ward Goodman's Leaving Tinkertown). Tomorrow I'll catch up with my parents and my sisters and all my nieces and nephews and a few cousins. I might just possibly put on a bathing suit and go into the warm Atlantic ocean and drink cocktails at 5. Or maybe I'll drink a cocktail in the morning and then put on the bathing suit and go swimming in the ocean. In any case, I'm happy to be here and will probably be largely absent from blog world. Don't do anything crazy while I'm gone.


  1. I'm so glad you made it safe and are with your handsome lads. Whatever you decide to do today, enjoy it. That's an order.

  2. Happy Vacay, Sweet Elizabeth...sounds dreamy !

  3. Looks like a happy reunion.
    I would need at least two cocktails to get into a swimsuit.
    you go girl!

  4. Happy travels to you! I wish you and your family lots of laughs, fresh salty air, naps, great food & drink, ocean time and re-lax-a-tion. And no bears. xoxo

  5. in what airport of which american city did you find a spinach dip?! i've never seen anything green or healthy at airports!
    have fun!

  6. I'll bet that was a glorious reunion - you and your boys! Have a wonderful time and a cocktail for me, please!
