Monday, July 8, 2013

The Mind of Summer

Chinatown, Victoria, British Columbia

Maybe it's the week of rest and relaxation, now a sort of distant thing but for the quiet within. Maybe it's the plunging back in, the laundry, the late mornings, sleeping in, the shouts of summer, the brooding, the heavy blanket of relationship. Or maybe it's the five thousand, six hundred and eighty-six episodes of Brothers and Sisters that I've watched on my Kindle Fire.  I'm reading The Middle Passage, a slim book written by a Swiss Jungian analyst. Maybe it's the subtitle of the book, From Misery to Meaning in Midlife. In any case, I'm hard put to write anything at all.


  1. Me too. That's why my last post was so inane. I say, go revel in the fact that your boys are home, take a few photos in the glorious sunshine and call it good.

  2. I don't know where to start. What about Brothers & Sisters? Do we need to watch it? I do love me some Sally Fields.

  3. Is the book any use? It sounds like it should be. And another show to add to my list to watch... perfect use of my spare summer time. I hope I find some inbetween the laundry and life... welcome home.

  4. Oh my gosh I love Brothers and Sisters too. Just discovered it and am now on Season 2. Depending on my mood, it's either it or Breaking Bad....not exactly the same genre! Have loved your insightful and inspired views from Vancouver and Victoria. Thanks for them.

  5. No need to thank me for the "Brothers and Sisters" addiction.

  6. Trying to find the way from Misery to Meaning in old life can be hard to come by too, even though hanging out in the Misery can seem like an expensive indulgence. Which is to say, I understand the not writing. Sometimes I just can't.

  7. That place in the picture there is one of my favourite places in the world. So full of secrets and interesting people. Did you see the orange cat?

  8. You captured so much in your own life. People are busy doing something for a week, then we should stop and enjoy the slow pace of life on the weekends.

    I Love your attitude towards life, no hurry not rashness, happy to watch and enjoy life.

  9. I like the sign in the alley: heart content
