Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Unaccompanied minors

Here are my boys, just before they boarded a flight to Atlanta to visit my parents. Henry was fake-glaring, and Oliver was fake-smiling.

Here we are just before they walked away from me and down that ramp and into the plane. It might not be evident, but just about then I started to feel super queasy. Before I leave my children, and whenever they leave me, I hug and kiss them, then tap them on their hearts and tell them I am in your heart, always, and you're in mine.

I know. Tears are welling up in my eyes, again.

You can't see them, but those pilots must have felt my eyes boring into them. 

They waved, and I waved back and pointed to my heart and then back to them. 


  1. I love that image of you pointing to the pilot and your heart. (I would never be so bold and I really admire it in you). I'm sure he got the message. I don't remember if you're a Leo, but you are such a lion.

  2. Safe journey; safe return.

  3. And they will be safe and they will always hold you in their hearts, those beautiful, beautiful boys.

  4. I so get the queasiness. I love your ritual of tapping them on the heart, and reminding them you go with they, they stay with you, always. Beautiful.

  5. those beautiful boys. I feel the queasy! You are so going to miss those guys.

    word verification: quesdopo

  6. Sweet how the taking them back into your arms again requires the letting go.

  7. I hope they have a great trip -- though I understand the queasiness!

  8. They are some of the best boys around. Sorry I have been out of touch. Just caught up on your blog. I imagined staying in one state this summer that I would be blogging regularly. Haha, didn't work out that way.

  9. Wishing the brothers a bon voyage and safe travels. Wishing you a little peace.

  10. This brought tears to my eyes.

  11. Well, I'm terribly late to the party here (so I know they arrived safely - yay), but I can completely relate to that poignant moment of good-bye. Especially when it is the children leaving us in place. I hope the sadness passed quickly for all and the moments of freedom and expanse were delicious.
