Thursday, August 8, 2013

Summer Night Still Life with Boys

You thought I was going to break my run of 2,714 posts, didn't you? Well, the evening is waning out here in the perfectly perfect summer weather of Los Angeles, The Brothers are playing some godforsaken game outside with the other boys of the 'hood, a game that forces Oliver to wear full lacrosse gear and a wrestler mask. There are pillows on the grass to shield the boy who jumps over the masked boy, and there's a lot of laughing, the kind of boy guffawing that makes me smile but also makes me feel sort of bewildered. The reason why I've neglected to post here is because I spent the day in Long Beach with Oliver at The Irlen Institute. It was all very cool and very interesting, and Oliver qualifies or shows potential promise in having some of his reading difficulties ameliorated with this method. I don't feel like explaining it all here, but I did promise Ms. Irlen that I would write a more lengthy post at some point, so stay tuned.

Reader, what did you do today?


  1. Picked what I fear are the last of the blackberries on our bushes. Got scratched up, as usual, but it was nothing compared to how wild and woolly that mysterious game looks.

  2. I continue to know with all my heart that Oliver is going to be just fine and everything he's going through now is only going to make him even more wonderful and wise. So go ahead and do what you do. You're part of his magic too. Just as he is parts of yours. xo

  3. Oliver is so wise and wonderful we have to get those neurons firing right so the whole world can know his genius. That method is intriguing -- simple and yet complex. Hoping it's the deal!

  4. When I was growing up I babysat three brothers. They were insane! I could never get over how rough they were with each other. One of them was always crying but it never deterred ant of them.

  5. LOL -- should Oliver be worried that his participation in this game requires so much armor?

  6. I feel like your post is one that could have been my post today, only ten years hence.
    And I'm the grandma, not the mama.
    But. You know what I mean.
    Oh my.

  7. I love that they are outside inventing games (even if they are a little violent) rather than sitting inside staring at screens or complaining of boredom or vandalizing street signs. And I love that after a day at anything with the word "institute" in its name, Oliver is padded up and breaking through a pack of boys - now that is powerful therapy for a rough day!

  8. I know that laugh you're talking about - I hear it from the boys next door - and it sends my girls all a twitter :)

    And - I'm glad to hear you may have an option for your dessert boy
