Saturday, October 19, 2013

Insanity and Care-giving and a Long, Long Life

The above photo of me is one of those computer-generated things that projects what I'll look like in the distant future. Apparently, I will have thinner arms, but my feet will still be on the large side. I'm relieved that I won't have to wear a bra, though, and I imagine that cigar is filled with weed, because Sophie will have finally become seizure free when we get a hold of the CBD, and in lieu of killing myself out of frustration that I wasn't able to get it before I was an old woman, I'll just start smoking it myself. Let go, let God, as they say.

This is the title of an article I saw last night on Disability Scoop:

Caregivers Live Longer, Study Says

You know what that means don't you? We go insane, but we live forever.

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.

In all seriousness, evidently an early death isn't guaranteed if you're caring for a disabled child or elderly parent and are utterly stressed out. There are actual health benefits, according to the study done on more than 7,000 caregivers. 

Pass me the weed.

You can read the whole shebang here, from the very eminent academic/scientific The American Journal of Epidemiology.

Long live the caregiver!


  1. I love your glasses. And your pink pants.XO

  2. Extreme caregivers do not have the luxury of dying; there is neither the time nor the psychic space for such an indulgence...

  3. You are the coolest crone I know!

  4. "If highly stressful situations can be avoided or managed effectively, caregiving may actually offer some health benefits..."

    So, the caregivers who do live longer are not stressed out? Elizabeth, smoking (while not wearing a bra) sounds like the way to go!

  5. I read that same article and took some comfort in it but last night's dinner table scene was an epic narcoleptic event with my mom sleeping while insisting she wasn't while simultaneously picking up the serving spoon from the cucumbers and smacking herself with in while in her narco-sleep. Every attempt at conversation went awry, and I cursed the darkness as I stared into my suburban night.

  6. Your ha ha ha's made me think of this and I thought it might apply to you right now. You have to click the link but it's just to my tumblr.

    I say why not smoke and go braless now? In all seriousness, you and Sophie are on my mind every day, many times a day. I hope for relief.

  7. I would never have guessed that result - it makes me wonder if they made a mistake - is it ok if I keep worrying about you?

  8. OK, if that's your future, you ROCK. You will be the most colorful, free-spirited old lady on the block!

  9. What Phil said. That was my immediate thought.

  10. Listen, you're rocking that look, yes, you, you are. Big it up for you and other caregivers. :-)

    Greetings from London.

  11. Wow... never knew that, i mean about caregivers and all. Thats... wow.
    LOL at the photo!! I am quite convinced that im on the road to being her doppleganger!
