Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Ironic Thought of the Day, Part 87,435,679 in a series

Watching tens of thousands of seizures over nearly two decades, taking care of a child who never grows up but who suffers daily, and thinking every single day of her possible death is endured, for the most part, but it's changing the wet-through sheets again, that undoes me.


  1. Witnessing your strength & courage. Solomon's words, perfect for you.

  2. It is the small pebbles that trip us up, isn't it? Those enormous boulders are the ones we endeavor to climb up and over again and again. I say close your eyes and imagine you're back in Palm Springs for a bit.


  3. As a wise old woman once told me (in a completely different context- we were talking about husbands) it's the little things.
    I love what Kario said about the small pebbles. Such a good metaphor.

  4. Yep. Strength fails us sometimes when faced with those "smaller" things.

  5. Girl, you have spoken my heart, mind and life.
    Strength and love!!

  6. It is the little things that can be the pea under the mattress.


  7. Oh yes, times a thousand. Big love to you today.

  8. As all the others have said, it is the small things that have the ability to make us fall to our knees.

  9. Have you ever tried pads on her bed. At work we call them blue pads, although they're no longer blue, or soaker pads. I used them with Katie and they helped cut down on the laundry.

  10. Some of the simplest things can be so utterly disheartening.

  11. It actually doesn't sound simple or little, just more. I tried to comment on your previous post and the video brought tears as did your day's words. I concur with the appropriateness of that as a tattoo with your mermaid. Courage and strength. I think of you a lot and I am always wishing things get easier for you and Sophie. I wish I had the words to explain what your reality has meant to me personally. Perhaps you can just feel the energy of deep caring and respect when there are no words. Sweet Jo

  12. i know you know this but i'll say it anyway. you are not alone. sending love.
