Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Maintenance in a perfect world

This morning, I splashed my face with warm water and then applied some truth serum collagen booster, followed by A Perfect World moisturizer and then a quick swipe of Telescopic SHOCKING EXTENSIONS mascara.

Sophie is on her second day of high CBD medical marijuana and I'm here to report so far, so good. I've noticed some subtle and not so subtle changes -- not as many seizures and certainly no biiiiiiiiig ones, but it's too early to tell. We'll be increasing the dose tomorrow to see what happens next. In the meantime, I'm off to tell the truth in a perfect world of shocking extensions.


  1. To early to tell, but a little exhale anyway. I have chills, the good kind, the very best kind. I adore that photo of you.

  2. Holding space, hoping against hope. Have a glorious day.

  3. Hello Gorgeous! Tell the truth and shame the devil. Might as well.

  4. You are looking good and sounding better. Hopeful for you and Sophie.


  5. Your eyelashes ARE shocking! Thanks for the update on Sophie. I've been thinking and hoping on the subject a lot.

  6. This makes me happy. The Philosophy cosmetics, your lovely eye(s), and the present relief for Sophie. And for you. And Oliver and Henry and your husband. Yep.

  7. You have no idea how expectant I am for Sophie!
