Wednesday, November 6, 2013

A Tale of Tails, refigured

My friend Moye sent me the above photo yesterday with this message:

Long road behind you, joy ahead.

What a perfect complement to my post of one week ago. Thank you, Moye. 

And thank you to everyone out there who has been so kind and supportive and as excited as we are by Sophie's promising response to the medical marijuana.  Your emails and texts and dreams and facebook likes and comments here and phone calls and overall glee are like balm, like honey, like manna. You abide. And thank you to Meg for connecting me and to J for getting us the stuff. You know, it's only been a few days over one week, and there's no telling if this is a lasting phenomenon. I feel more bewildered than joyful, and utterly exhausted on some deep, cellular level. There will be more settling, I'm sure, and hopefully, more dancing.

I am in dire need of some pointers on how to adequately convey my gratitude to all of ya'll. 



  1. no need to convey anything! you allow us to share in your journey, your exhaustion, your bewilderment, your joy. that is everything. xo

  2. Your writing, your immediacy of it all, brings us along on the journey with you. How could we not simply be rejoicing, be with you in your bewilderment and hope? It is ours too, in some way. Sophie's smile. Yes. We want to dance as well.
    And we will dance with you.

  3. I am in dire need of how to convey my joy and hope for you and your family. I wish I could go to that reading in Echo Park, but no can do.....

  4. Loving each and every moment of peace you are having. I agree with Ms. Moon that knowing things are better is enough, sending ripples out into the universe that touch each and every one of us who are rooting for you all. Keep on keepin' on!

  5. You've conveyed everything perfectly. Awe frequently needs no words. Love to all and shared happiness. xo

  6. Each and every one of us learns from you and Sophie and the brothers and husband. We learn to be better people, to be more patient, to try harder, to do more, to fight seemingly insurmountable obstacles. We admire you, we want to be you, WE thank you - there is NO need for you to thank us. We share your joy as if it is our own and we celebrate with you each little improvement and each little advance, hoping as you do, that this is just the beginning of a new and wonderful, easier, more joyful, future for you all.

  7. A reminder that miracles occur. A much needed reminder.

  8. ps. I love that damned picture so much!!!

  9. Your joy is enough in itself! May it continue, you both deserve it :)

  10. We share your joy as we shared your sorrows, for your writing has invited us to both. No thanks needed.

  11. Seeing/hearing/reading your joy is all the "thanks" I could want.

  12. I am so very very happy for you and Sophie and your family.

  13. I love that picture - it just says it all
