Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Letting Go of 2013 - Day Six of Gratitude

Ocean Park, Los Angeles

Jeneva set the tone for me and provided the leadership for the past six days to eke out gratitude for the final week of 2014. To tell you the truth, it wasn't that difficult, and my final gratitude post is going to be an exhilarated kick, a slammed door and no looking back. And I'm grateful for that.

  1. I'm grateful for my strong and healthy constitution.
  2. I'm grateful for the card that Ms. Moon sent me of the Airstream trailer on the beach that now graces my blog and that is testament to our friendship.
  3. I'm grateful for the opportunity to go to the movies on a Saturday afternoon, especially when it's a perfect movie about love, longing, regret and is directed by and stars Ralph Fiennes.
  4. I'm grateful for my perfect score of loving bloggers in person as well as on the page and for getting to personally meet one of my favorites today, Brittany Tuttle.
  5. I'm grateful to live in Los Angeles and down the street from LACMA, and I'm grateful for art that invigorates my eye and calms my soul.
  6. I'm grateful to slam the door on 2013, kick up my heels and not look back.


  1. You. Grateful for you. Am I repeating myself? Oh well.

  2. Yay! Happy New Year! (we're living in the future down here in Oz).

  3. I am so with you on #6. I am thinking of your family tonight and wishing Sophie a complete absence of seizures, Oliver continued inspiration on his amazing path, more of the compassionate good that Henry possesses, some well-deserved rest for your husband and peace and respite from all you contend with. You are a true inspiration and I feel lucky to read about your life here. It is pretty amazing to me how one can come to care about a family one has never met just from reading about their lives. You are a gifted writer. Sweet Jo

  4. I'm liking your gratitude list. I haven't been feeling very grateful lately, need to get back to it.

  5. Hello, friend. I wanted to stop by and thank you for being a part of my blog in 2013. You have been a blessing to me. For the coming year, I have a few wishes for you.

    May 2014 bring you much joy.
    May we all have peace in our homes,
    laughter by our firesides,
    time spent with family,
    and contentment in our hearts.

  6. I'm grateful for your friendship over the past year, and grateful there'll be more in 2014. Here is to a happy, healthy year ahead wherein all of us find things to be grateful for!

  7. Happy freaking New Year! May this one bring more opportunities, fewer seizures, and a boatload of joy.

  8. Love it love it love it. A gratitude list is such a lovely thing--grounding, helping me to breathe. Yours is beautiful, and it's inspiring me--it might be time for me to do one.
