Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!

We had Christmas Eve dinner with my Uncle Tony (my father's twin) and my two cousins, Marc and Anthony. As The Husband was working (he is really the hardest working man I have ever known, and I'm grateful for how he takes care of our family), I fixed dinner -- a glazed ham, home-made biscuits with cheddar cheese, roasted butternut squash with cranberries, apples and shallots, and a salad. I made tiramisu for dessert. Everyone drank Martinelli's, and I drank the slushy milk punch that my friend J gave me the other night which I can probably give credit for my general affability through the festivities. We broke open the traditional crackers and wore our crowns, laughed at the silly jokes and tried to play a song with the whistles hidden inside. Sophie remained agitated through much of the dinner but quieted down when I brought her to her room. I think she needs the peace and quiet -- something tells me that as the seizures die down and out, she can hear and see and receive input from the world, and perhaps it's overwhelming.

It's a merry Christmas, indeed. I wish you and your loved ones a blessed one -- and thank you with all my heart for your generosity this year -- for coming here to read and to comment, for sharing your lives on your own blogs, for gracing me with your art and humor all year long. Thank you.


  1. Merry Christmas, Elizabeth! Love the photo of you and Henry in your crowns. :)

  2. Merry Christmas, dear Elizabeth. It looks like a lovely family meal and that menu sounds divine. I'd love to know the recipe for the cheddar biscuits and butternut squash with cranberries, apples and shallots if you feel inclined to share. Fascinating insight about Sophie. Much, much love to you all.

  3. It looks to be a joyous family gathering. I wish for Sophie a peaceful process to understanding all that is there for her to discover.


  4. Merry Christmas to you and all your dear ones!

  5. Merry Christmas, Elizabeth! Your dinner sounds delicious but what I really need is a gallon of that slushy milk punch.

  6. Warm, merry and bright. A lot of love in those pictures. Much hope for a better years to come.

  7. Thank you, Elizabeth, for your words, humour, sadness, insights and wisdom through this year.

  8. Merry Christmas! That looks and sounds really fun, but I'm fascinated by your theory of the over-whelm, and think you're on to something.

  9. Sounds divine! I hope Sophie learns to deal with the boisterous lot of you ;-)
