Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Poinsettias and the World

Despite waking at the ungodly hour, again, of 5:15 and lying in bed thinking the dire thoughts -- health insurance payments, the financial future, being house rich and cash poor, marriage, children, college, seizures, colonoscopy (I must make that appointment) -- and then reading dire articles about environmental disaster, rampant consumerism stealing our futures (why? why do I read these things?), I got up. I drove Henry to his conditioning practice, had breakfast with an old friend who I haven't seen or talked to in months, came home and worked with Oliver for several hours, engaged The Husband to pick Sophie up from school as she was having multiple seizures (sigh), did some contractual work for The Job and am now going to the Science Center with Oliver.

Oh, the whole aim of this post was to exclaim and be grateful for the poinsettia tree that is in bloom right around the corner from me. I hate poinsettias -- those little red things that come in pots at Trader Joe's every Christmas season, that live forever after Christmas and that I throw out, eventually, consumed with guilt. I walked out of the house to clear my head this morning and mail the bills (health insurance, medical marijuana, the financial future) and walked right by this tree. Isn't it beautiful? I figure that if you can hate a poinsettia plant and love the tree, all is right with the world, as it is.


  1. I've never seen a poinsettia tree! I think it is beautiful!!

  2. I love poinsettias, plants, trees all of them. I've already killed one this season. And that's not easy. It's very early.

  3. Oh god. I bought a giant poinsettia at Costco last week. When one of my kids asked me why, I wailed, "I don't know!"

    Girl. You are doing way too much but I sure don't know how to make any of those things go away. Take your vitamins. Get your sleep. You know I love you.

  4. Again, funny! And if it makes you feel better, 5:15 is my favorite time to obsess, too! 4:30 is even better!

  5. I bought a poinsettia yesterday - hoping I won't kill it .

    Your new banner is so cute - I love that funky santa beard - and you look like you've been up since 5:15 - but still happy

  6. I may or may not be known to feed one or two unacceptable versions to my dog before getting the "perfect" poach for the top of my salads...

  7. The problem with poinsettias is we've mutated them to live for just a few weeks in pots as flamboyant cuttings, rather than letting them grow into what they're supposed to be -- big, beautiful bushes. We used to have them in Florida when I was growing up and I loved them there.
