Thursday, February 20, 2014

UPDATE 2: A Medical Marijuana Update: The Behemoth Moves, God Said, "Let There Be Light" and Other Wonders

Wow Wow and More Wow:

Read this.

Of special interest, at least to me, is the addendum at the bottom of the article by Orrin Devinsky. He's done a bit of an about-face or, at the very least, recognized (by the groundswell of retorts, I'm sure) that the previous Op-Ed offended a lot of people and didn't properly address our community's concerns. That the Epilepsy Foundation of America came down on the side of the families and that Devinsky spoke of proof and compassion fills me with hope and wonder. I feel a bit as if the several hundred of us using Charlotte's Web and other high-CBD strains are at ground zero for what might very well be a revolution in epilepsy treatment.

On the other hand, don't think I'm some sort of naive lady, exulting in the capitulation of the Powers That Be. There's so much politics involved here, Big Pharma, the FDA, the DEA -- hell, the kinds of spats that happen on the cannibis groups on Facebook make my skin crawl. Who the hell knows how it will all shake out? We'll keep documenting the anecdotal evidence of Sophie's dramatic decrease in seizures for the first time in nineteen years (even as powerful AEDs are withdrawn!) and crossing our fingers and toes that the supply of Charlotte's Web is readily available to us.

In the meantime, I'm going to start learning how to grow and make it myself because I don't trust anyone.

And you can hold me to that.


  1. I'd say so. Reminds me when I read something, years ago, in a Jewish text that said that every plant, every tree, and every weed was created for us. They are either for food or medicine. We only have discovered the use of, I think it was 30% of them...

  2. It's refreshing to sometimes see things move in a good direction.

  3. That is pretty amazing. No. Actually. Really amazing.

  4. Bravo to the Epilepsy Foundation for educating and advocating! Bravo

  5. Glad the establishment and the NYU person w/ an MD after his name came thru! Wonderfully written but probably needs to be in the Nytimes don't you think?

  6. Elizabeth. Don't you want to say to Devinsky that he may have intended to make his point no 3 but he did much harm by actually failing to do so

  7. That IS a wonder. And encouraging.

  8. I like the emphasis on now. Not five or ten years. Now.

  9. I have long thought you were at the heart of a revolution. It reminds me predictably of Tori Amos lyrics: "What you didn't count on was another mother of a mother revolution."

  10. I wish I could grow my own. It's about to be decriminalized in DC. I don't know if that means we'll be allowed to grow a couple of plants, but I hope so. This is a plant ally here to help us. It behooves us to forge a relationship.

  11. Grow your daughter's medicine spells freedom.

  12. There are so many good reasons to grow and refine one's own medicines, when possible. It's time to simply decriminalize this plant, from medicinal varieties to the industrial hemp Midwestern farmers have long been wanting to grow.

  13. Growing your own daughter's medicine spells freedom

  14. "Shouldn't depend on a zip code" is a very powerful statement - and applicable to many other very basic human rights as well. This is very encouraging.

  15. I shake my head in wonder at all of this. I'm so happy for Sophie, for all of you. Nobody in Big Pharma or anywhere else better fuck this up, that's all I have to say.

  16. From drug mule to grow op, it's beautiful to see what you'll do for your daughter's well-being. Best of luck in your latest adventures.

  17. Hope is a beautiful thing. I can't tell you how thrilling it is to watch Sophie's seizures end - and I've never met either of you. I would be shocked if you told me your feet still touched the floor.

  18. So agreed...we are growing and using cannatonic for Adam and it has a great positive effect. Making a tincture is easy with a device called "magic butter". Dried bud to useable tincture in about 8 grind and decarboxylation. Have learned to grow hydroponically indoor to avoid all contaminants ... legal in MA after filing a hardship form.

  19. More and more I am wanting to grow the high CBD/low THC plants. I live in a county that has many regulations around growing. I have to check this all out. You and Sophie inspire.

  20. Such fabulous news! Let me know if you need agricultural advice. I believe I can send you an advisor.
