Sunday, February 9, 2014

Pop Pop is here and at work

That's my fabulous father who has paid us a surprise visit while my mother is traveling elsewhere. We've already been to the new neighborhood hardware store, purchased some stuff and he's fixing things. I am a lucky, lucky woman to have such a father.


  1. I love that you have such a father. And I love that you appreciate him. And I love how handsome he is and I love his sense of style.

  2. My beloved father-in-law helped all of his children building and repairing stuff. It was a blessing. And Mr. Moon does the same.
    I am glad your daddy is there. He is a handsome gent.

  3. And it looks like your lavender is about to bloom, too. Another happy thing!

  4. Oh, I think that's my dream father. You are lucky, indeed.

  5. Your father is gorgeous... oh and wonderful to come out and help you and support you and all that too. Sweet Jo

  6. Glorious! That is exactly the kind of thing my father used to do for me and it felt so indulgent and lovely. I hope Henry and Oliver are paying attention and learning a few things...

  7. in loafers! adorable!

  8. Hurray for Pop Pop and for your lavender! My lavender is still shivering up here.

  9. Hey, I thought I commented on this post?! Blogger is doing strange things again. I said something like, wow, what a surprise, especially given that your father lives so far away. Doesn't he live in the southeast, Atlanta or something?
