Tuesday, February 4, 2014


I love the word slipstream, to feel the soft s on the tongue, the hiss of air, hear Van Morrison's if I ventured in the slipstream and I thought about it, the slipstream, when I thought about Sophie tonight. Sophie is sleeping a lot lately, sleeping soundly and peacefully and while it might be because of the marijuana, it might be because she is resting, her brain is resting. She is resting.  A slipstream is defined as a stream of air forced backwards by a propeller or the area of reduced pressure behind a fast-moving object. I thought of Sophie when I read the word slipstream, and she might be in the slipstream or she might be the fast-moving object behind which we, the unknowing, the relieved (she isn't seizing!) stream, in the slipstream, an area of reduced pressure. I'm thinking these things and singing in my head, in silence easy.

Listen to Astral Weeks here.


  1. "To be born again," as Van says. I hope you're all being born again, in a sense, into a more peaceful place.

  2. I admit, I come here daily hoping to read "seizure-free" again and again. I love that she sleeps peacefully, her mind at rest. I am hopeful for all of you. And yes, as Van says, …to be born again.

  3. I'd never heard that word before. And now, thanks to you, I now do and love it, too.

  4. Marijuana is a medicinal herb often used recreationally. But no matter why, it is a blessing to think of her deep sleep. Thank god.

  5. I think she is resting in the quiet of a quiet mind. I love that picture of you and Sophie and O. As soft as I hope that Sophie's sleep is now. As holy as I think her mind-at-rest probably is now.

  6. Slipstream. Kinda smacks nicely on the lips. Enjoy the rest!

  7. Slipstream, wow so beautiful and almost magical in what it means to you. I think this is one of the most precious photos I have ever seen. It has so much to say.

  8. That photograph is one of my very favorites. So much soul in those eyes. And Sophie sleeping so deeply, what peace it must give you.

  9. It is a glorious word and a beautiful feeling. Stay in that place as long as you can, with the movement all around you as you rest and glide freely. Sending you all love and light.

  10. Slipstream has been my mantra this month. And it was one of my A Word A Day's this week too. Amid all the crazy this month, I felt like all these new changes have us riding the slipstream. Also, I kept thinking about letting go or being dragged. At any rate, enjoy the slipstream. I am glad to know Sophie is sleeping, resting, and hopefully dreaming happy dreams.
    My dreams are a travesty right now, which is hilarious, because the more I think I'm handling my waking hours well, the crazier and more unsettling my dreams become. Maybe that is the tradeoff.
    Hope the ride lasts a long while for you.

  11. Beautiful words. Beautiful photo. Beautiful you.

  12. Where immobile steel rims crack
    And the ditch in the back roads stop
    Could you find me?

  13. So beautiful the way you describe that. I swear, Elizabeth, only you could come up with such a wonderful metaphor. I think Sophie is both the fast moving object and resting in the slipstream. And what a delightful image of you resting behind her amazing force. I wish you all a long peaceful rest.

  14. This is absolutely beautiful. You never seem to stop inspiring me.

  15. Oh, Elizabeth, I don't know that I'd ever heard (or if I did, I hadn't noticed) the word "slipstream" until I heard Van sing about the Queen of it.
    And now I'll think of your Sophie when I hear the song.
