Monday, February 24, 2014

Starting today,

I do believe I'm going to make an attempt to answer or respond to each of your comments. It's only fair to continue a conversation, right?


  1. You don't have to, you know.
    What a beautiful picture.

  2. Wow. Ambitious, my dear. Although, if you're going to choose just one of mine, I'd be interested to hear what you think about my response to "Masticating." What was your college experience like? Do you see any similarities to mine?

    1. My college experience was partly like yours in that I knew I wanted to study literature, was besotted with learning and academia and all that it entailed, but I was probably equally as occupied and besotted with my boyfriend! I had no idea what I wanted to do when I finished, and I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing; most importantly, though, I left with no debt as my parents picked up the tab.

  3. Love that picture.
    Respond? It's not compulsory. Fair really has nothing to do with it. It's about what you want, right? I already think you're more than fair in just sharing what you share of your life. But a word from you makes my pulse beat a little faster - I hope you are laughing at that.

    1. I'm laughing at it -- unless you're really Javier Bardem or Ryan Gosling and then my pulse is surely beating right back at you!

  4. wonderful! i love all resolutions that begin with "starting today", because mine are more of the "starting tomorrow" kind! :)

    1. And we'll see if what starts today continues tomorrow --
