Monday, March 10, 2014

Dispatch from the School of Revolution: CBD Edification

This won't be a post about Oliver and our efforts homeschooling. Things are going very, very well on that end, and I've nothing earth-shattering to report other than Oliver likes school!

I did read the following information, though, about a presentation given by Dr. Bonnie Goldstein who is following Sophie as we journey down the medical marijuana path. I do not know the person who wrote this out, but from what I can tell in an initial read, it does a great job summarizing some of the science behind cannabis. Dr. Goldstein is wonderful -- the kind of doctor who you can call or text at any time of day or night with questions -- the kind that you DON'T abuse with said questions and answers because you trust that she will get back to you immediately (ahem -- O Neurologists I Have Known).

Here's the link to read the summary of her talk/presentation that she makes around the country.

Email me if you have any other questions.

As we speak, Sophie has been having stellar weeks with little to no seizure activity, a revolution indeed.

Oh, and you might want to watch Sonjay Gupta's Weed, Part 2 which is airing on CNN tomorrow night (March 11th).


  1. Things are changing and will continue to change for the better as more and more people are made aware of the miracles happening due to CBD. I believe that. And I also believe that you are playing a huge part in that and Sophie is benefiting from all of it.
    You are so strong and thank god for you and for the brave people, be they doctors, other parents, grower, reporters or scientists and yes, even lawmakers who are working, finally, to make these miracles happen.

  2. "Sophie has been having stellar weeks with little to no seizure activity" and "Oliver likes school". Two wonderful, lovely, realities in one post! I hope this is your new normal!

  3. I am thrilled that things are going well. Hooray for Sophie, Oliver, and YOU!

  4. thank you so much for posting this information - and all the education & advocacy you are providing about CBD. i am thrilled to hear about sophie's response! wow!! we know CBD is in maya's future when it makes its way to massachusetts. there is momentum is a positive direction and you and sophie are part of making this happen. there is hope...!

  5. In reading about other children with epilepsy something mentioned often is that many medications work for only a short period of time. Is this a concern with the medical marijuana as well?

    1. Thanks for your comment, Anonymous. Yes, that's known as a drug honeymoon. Sophie, in fact, has never been on a drug honeymoon so we're encouraged that she is experiencing seizure freedom at all! And I haven't heard of the CBD having the same patterns. I guess we'll know soon enough!

    2. so good to hear! I wish you the best of luck!

  6. I am watching Gupta's report. This is all still such a miracle to me. (In a Buddhist way of course)

  7. "Sophie has been having stellar weeks with little to no seizure activity, a revolution indeed."
    That's absolutely-joy-inducing-wonderful news. I am smiling at that, as well as at your words about Oliver ENJOYING school. I suspect that you are a naturally gifted teacher and encourager, and that you are better at it than anyone he has had as a teacher before. You have so many gifts, Elizabeth!

  8. Oliver is enjoying school. Sophie is having no seizures. And you, dear Elizabeth, are making history. This is how breakthroughs happen, one family, one beloved community at a time. Following your journey has been beyond thrilling. I am on my knees when I consider it.

  9. Do you remember when I told you after your Caregifted retreat and your entireties about what Sophie seemed to be asking you to do that revolutions happen in times of rising expectations? See? Not that I could have ever have predicted this. So thrilled for all of you!

