Saturday, March 1, 2014

Last night

I'm typing away on my phone here and can't possibly keep up, but I wanted to let y'all know that I'm having a great time in Seattle.  While 14,000 people brave the AWP (and I'm beginning to think that it's de rigueur to complain about it), I was wandering the city, visiting quiet salmon runs, the Crittenden locks:

While the deluge hit Los Angeles, I walked under blue skies, ate lots of good comfort food and drank craft beer. And the Caregifted benefit?

Sensational! It was at the Chihuly boathouse, literally under a massive bridge. I have some awesome photos but will surely go blind if I continue posting, so I'll leave you with the one of the swimming pool -- the floor of which was covered in these glass sculptures!

Holy moley, right? The photo at the top of this post is one taken by my friend Cara, and I think it looks like I've been painted on the wall or something. Surreal stuff -- and I got to shake hands with the great Robert Pinsky,  too.

 I might have to make that my new header such was my awe!

I'll check back in tomorrow with more notes and pictures. My eyes and pecking finger are twisted --


  1. You look magnificent in that photo. And Chihuly, oh I am envious. And hobnobbing with poet laureates? You are having a dream trip it seems. Hope it continues.

  2. I adore that photo of you and the openness in your tone, the sense of surrender to experiences, the simple joy of just wandering, being.

  3. So fucking beautiful and fabulous. And yes....AWP (sadly) is too much for me. Waaaay overload-ish. But some memorable stuff, yes. If only I could do it one reading or panel at time every weekend for a year.

  4. You are glowing in that photo. I love seeing that! So glad that it was a wonderful evening for you. I love it when dreams come true for people - and especially for my friends. Bon voyage home...

  5. Looks like you're heaving a great time. You are positively glowing! I love the photo of the bridge over the rushing river and yes, that Chihuly pool is astonishing!

  6. Yes. You are glowing. You are stunning. You are ethereal.
    I am SO glad you're getting this weekend. So much in such a short time. You deserve it and a thousand times more.

  7. Im so happy for you! I love that photo of you almost "in" the wall - you should blow that up and frame it! Such a gorgeous picture of you. You seem so happy and relaxed. Yay!

  8. You do look like a fresco, indeed. That pool is incredible. I'm glad you are having a wonderful time. Forgive my absence, I've been down with the flu.

  9. Your photo: Mona Lisa with a wry smile. You are a buxom beauty!

  10. That pool!!! I always love the pools the best. The Hearst mansion, too. Reading your posts makes me so happy that you were there.
