Wednesday, March 26, 2014

When We Were Us

Despite the glorious blustery day, I'm a tad melancholy. My friend Sarah left this afternoon, and I was sad to see her go. We went to college for four years in Chapel Hill, North Carolina and have probably only seen one another five times since we graduated in 1985, but all those years melted away this past week as she accompanied me around Los Angeles in my normal daily routines. We just as well could have been lying on our respective beds doing homework or leaning in together as we walked down a path to a class or quizzing each other on French idiomatic expressions before an exam. I am struck by how essential old friends, true, deep friends are to me -- there's something so profound and comforting about talking to a person whom I knew and who knew me before the me that is now.  I loved the Sarah I knew thirty plus years ago, and I love the woman she's become and am grateful to have had these days with her.


  1. Gorgeous, both of you, and your words. I'm so glad you had some time together.

  2. There is no gift like this one.

  3. One of the best things about being alive!

  4. You two don't look any different, same eyes, same smile.

  5. So glad you had this time. You are both adorable, then and now.

  6. I totally get what you are saying here.

  7. A visit with Sarah is good tonic. I'm so glad that the two of you could spend time together

  8. Agreed! And why is it that as we get older, we can't make friends like we did when we were young? It's just not the same. Are we more guarded, or what?

  9. you are/were gorgeous. (is that Lynn Crowder from High Point in the pic?)
