Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Inspiration by photo with a CBD update

So, I'm sitting here at my desk (yeah, I know, I'm sitting) staring at this photo of Sophie and then this photo of a tree that looked exactly like a stooped woman in a long dress:

and since I'm often inspired by photos, place them in front of me before I begin to write, I stare at these two and empty myself of all thought, place these fingers on the keys and

just go.

Sophie, despite having several days of a terrible head cold and the accompaniment of a full moon (which ordinarily causes mucho seizure activity) has had no seizures to speak of in weeks. We raised the CBD dosage, and I do believe we've found the right amount. Other than an occasional weird tonic thing in her sleep or napping that is momentary, we haven't seen a single thing.

Holy moley. Holy crapola. Holy shit. Allelujah. Praise Jesus. Praise Allah. The universe is abundant.

And that tree. Now that I think about it, I might resemble it. A bit stooped and perhaps sagging under the stress of the last couple of decades. Obdurate and long-faced, my roots deep. Still here. Silent, knobby, folded in upon myself. Hunkered down. It'd be hard to get an ax through my trunk to cut me down.


  1. Beautiful darling. Absolutely. The CDB report and that tree. No one can get an axe in you. Trust me.

  2. I am so happy for your family that the CBD is working! I am holding my breath for you, hoping it sticks, wondering what might evolve for Sophie now that her brain can rest.

  3. Such fantastic news about the CBD dosage and lack of seizures. And I think you are in the process, not of hunkering down and folding in, but of UN-hunkering and expanding. My God, that photo in your new header is fabulous! That's where I see you.

  4. Back in THE OLDEN DAYS we on the patchouli reeking commune believed that all the cures for humanity's ills could be found naturally in the earth itself. Then of course I got pregnant and was zippered into the roller coaster barf bag of giving birth in a sterile modern hospital and things went horribly awry. But I held fast to my secret belief about the natural earth being the best answer and so today I'm going to drench myself in patchouli oil and give thanks to the sky the sea and good rich soil for Sophie's relief.

  5. I hate that you and Sophie had head colds, but I LOVE that Sophie's didn't induce seizures! I hope that you have indeed discovered the right dose of oil and that Sophie continues to do better and better and get off of all of those nasty pharmaceuticals she's been on for so many years. And as for that tree, I love it and I love the line about nobody being able to get an axe through your trunk. I can't imagine anyone ballsy enough to try, frankly. You are formidable (imagine that said in French - it's one of my favorite French words). Love.

  6. Incredible news Elizabeth. I remember about full moons with Sophie, how they have effected her. I am thrilled beyond words. So happy for you, Sophie, the boys, your husband. I know you feel old. I can relate. But there is a solidity in it all, that's for sure. And to rejoice in things being better, to dance together, as if those trunks for a few moments, could move. That's where we are now. Thank God.

  7. This makes me very happy. Thanks for sharing the good news, and your joy. May it bloom and grow with the spring.

  8. In Lamoine State Park in Maine, at the edge of Frenchman Bay looking toward Acadia National Park on Mount Desert Island, there is a tree that's exactly the opposite of your stooped woman: It looks exactly like a nude young woman dancing upside down, her legs crossing gracefully in the air, her head and arms hidden beneath the ground. Daphne turning into a laurel tree, I always thought--though in fact the tree is part of an old bayside apple orchard. I'm sorry I don't have a picture.

  9. Holy shit is what I thought. And then you typed that :)

  10. I'm so happy for Sophie and for you.
