Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Lorrie Moore, again

Lorrie Moore has a new collection of short stories out called Bark, and I headed down to the Los Angeles Central Library to hear her read tonight. You might remember the last time I went to hear her, when her novel came out ten years after I had discovered her in the New Yorker and how I had a wonderful encounter with her when I asked her a simple question after she read and then conversed with Michael Silverblatt -- but just now I searched and searched and couldn't find the post, so now I'm thinking that I never wrote about it. Oh. I don't feel like doing so right now-- just take my word that we had an encounter. That she spoke to me, directly, and blew me away. I did write a post last August called Group Therapy that does a reasonable job explaining just how much this writer means to me, so you can read that if you'd like.

So, it's been fifteen years since Moore published a collection of short stories, and I've just begun delving in. I'm a reader who keeps an anticipated book sitting by my bedside for weeks as a sort of tantalizing confection that I need to put off before devouring.  Bark is like that, so I read one story at a time and then put it down. It's a ritual.Tonight she read one of the new short stories in her beautiful, melodious voice and then conversed a bit with the playwright Brighde Mullins. It was an amazing short story, filled with her mordant wit and keen observation and then the tenderest of endings. God, I love a good short story. The conversation between the two writers was a bit slow, but I didn't care. Like David Sedaris, Lorrie Moore is someone who I honestly believe would be my friend if she only knew me.


  1. Of course she would love you! In a parallel universe it is already playing out. I've never read her so thanks for recommending her.

  2. she should know you. i have a difficult relationship with short stories, and i can't remember the last time i read one in the new yorker that i liked (or actually finished) - so, thanks for the recommendation!

  3. Like you, I love short stories. They are a craft of fine and delicate nature. And like Francesca, I rarely like the ones in the New Yorker. They depress the hell out of me. Why is that?
    I'm so glad you got to go hear Ms. Moore. It is a rare treat to hear a beloved author read her (or his) own work.

  4. I need to respond today (instead of just read you). I am right there with you on the greatness of Lorrie Moore's writing, especially her short stories. And thanks for the link to People Like That--loved it. I am listening to Lorrie read Bark and it is a treat. Also thanks for recommending Leaving Tinkertown--a wonderful book and I was enthralled by the photos and want to visit! Polly

  5. Oh Elizabeth of course she would be! Perhaps she WILL be. Her book just came in for me at the library. I'd love to hear MOORE about your conversation. Dear god.

  6. David Sedaris and I could be really good friends, too. The best.
