Saturday, April 26, 2014


Anyone there?
Perhaps you're out enjoying the spectacular weather or have buried yourself under the covers and are reading?
Or maybe you're cramming in the last few episodes of House of Cards and then having to take a long, hot shower?
Is blogging over?
Has Typepad recovered so that I can leave comments on those of you who use it as your blogging platform?
Must we always be grateful and cheerful?
Must we always complain?
Do we need a little poetry?

The Pleasures of Merely Circulating

The garden flew round with the angel
The angel flew round with the clouds,
And the clouds flew round and the clouds flew
And the clouds flew round with the clouds.

Is there any secret in skulls,
The cattle skulls in the woods?
Do the drummers in black hoods
Rumble anything out of their drums?

Mrs. Anderson's Swedish baby
Might well have been German or Spanish,
Yet that things go round and again go round
Has rather a classical sound.

Wallace Stevens


  1. I....AM watching House of Cards this very minute!! Please jump out of my head.

  2. I'm out here. I'm hearing.

  3. I'm out in the Joshua Trees. I think I know the ones in your photo. I sure know those mountains and they are all snowy today!

  4. Yes, the weather IS spectacular. It rained. In Phoenix. In April. So lovely. The poodles and I are just hanging out at home, reading your poetry.

  5. I'm still here with my random musings and reading yours' faithfully.

  6. I think we are all tied up with our springtime adventures! I find that blogging participation waxes and wanes, in a natural and unpredictable rhythm. But yes, long story short, I am still here. :)

  7. I'm here. Crossing the bridge over the Apalachicola bay on our way home. Going round with the clouds, the sky.

  8. In a terrible seizure stretch here. Not sure why. Wishing maya could try CBD but won't be possible anytime soon here in MA. So glad to hear that Sophie's seizures have calmed down again.

  9. I was in Spokane with Laura (Live Happy), visiting David for the weekend. A girls' road trip to see him in his element, before he graduates - simply awesome. His friends welcomed us with open arms - we were even invited to their Beer Olympics. You know that it doesn't get much more fabulous than sharing that with your son and his friends. I'm catching up now...

  10. I was in DISNEY and as a result on a big break from all things social media related! :) it was nice, now im catching up with reading and writing :)
