Saturday, April 19, 2014


Today I'm going to forget about the fact that for the third morning in a row, our dog has thrown up in my bedroom in the wee hours of the morning. I'm going to count on the wisdom of the Buddhists who claim that nothing is permanent, even the darkest of moods, even seizures, even circumstance and inequality and injustice and stupidity. I won't despair. That also means that lightness and ease, seizure freedom, equality, justice and intelligence are not permanent states either. I will be grateful.


  1. Thank you for the reminder, wise one. Will try to hang on to it. Love that photo. It looks like they're dancing.

  2. That photograph, Henry's care and gentle protection. Oh Elizabeth, i know things can be so very hard, but with those beautiful children, you did good.

  3. I am trying today to do some of the things you are trying to do. Being mindful of the impermanence of it all. Being grateful.
    I love your children.

  4. Yes to what all your wise respondents have said. Being grateful seems the best choice, for what we desire and what we don't. A beautiful Easter day to you all. Gentle thoughts. xo

  5. Hi! I love you.
    Rebecca In Stupid Land

  6. I love this photo! I need to take your class in gratitude today...not feeling it. Feeling pretty pissy as a matter of fact. Poop.

  7. That's a beautiful photo. And yes, let us take comfort where we can.

  8. One of my patients, who is dying, said to me the other day, "You only live once" and I retorted with, "Unless you're Buddhist" which made her smile.

    Bad times pass as easily as good times. Days and nights both end to be followed once again by another day and night, an endless circle.

    Sending hugs.

  9. good reminder. love the buddists.
