Friday, May 16, 2014

Dispatch from the Revolution: Cannabis Update

Sophie continues to do remarkably well after nearly four months on Charlotte's Web. She goes weeks without any truly discernible seizures (she used to have from 1-5 tonic-clonic episodes and many partial complex/absence a day), and the breakthrough ones are mild and short. She has no more clusters of myoclonic seizures (they used to happen several times a day and lasted, sometimes, for 45 minutes or more). We have done three weans of her Onfi, the benzo that she's been on for six years. We've reduced the drug very slowly, about 33%, and the difficulties she had formerly, whenever we weaned a benzo, have just not happened. Yes, she's had some "bad" days when she appears uncomfortable and agitated. She has had some mild withdrawal seizures on around the tenth day of the wean, but for the most part she is good, and I attribute that good to the presence of cannabis in her system.

I listened to a podcast the other day of Dr. Orrin Devinsky from NYU. He was quite positive about cannabis and epilepsy, albeit cautious, and seemed far more understanding of families' desperation and desire to obtain the medicine for their children with refractory seizures than he was a few months ago when he wrote an Op-Ed in The New York Times. He even went so far as to state how "promising" the treatment looked. The Epilepsy Foundation of America has been surprisingly supportive of families (part of its charter and mission, after all), so I feel hopeful, too, about that. I type all of this, though, with reservation, because I also sense a growing rift between neurologists (The American Epilepsy Society), who remain obdurate and arrogant, and families, and this rift is sensed as a rumble, a muttering, an antagonism inherent, it seems, in the industry (because let's face it, medicine as it's practiced in this country is as much if not more an industry than a healing art), despite all the efforts for "family-centered care." I've heard of neurologists, still, completely disdainful of this therapy, towing the party line of testing, testing, testing, with a couple arrogant dismissals of "anecdotal" evidence.  And I've heard from several people whose neurologists are downright abusive, going so far as to call some parents uncompliant and reporting them to "authorities," making it difficult to get traditional medications for their daughter and other horror stories.


Here's Sophie's story -- call it anecdotal or call it Truth. It makes no difference to me what you think, what they think.

I know it's truth.

Sophie never had a day free of multiple seizures for the first nineteen years of her life and was subject to all manner of approved double-blind tested placebo controlled and studied drugs. Many of these drugs were not approved for use in children under the age of seventeen and most were not studied for long term use in combination with multiple other drugs. She was on nineteen different medications, was evaluated for surgery, had two six month trials of the ketogenic diet. She suffered from serious side effects from nearly every medication and endured considerable suffering when medications were withdrawn because of inefficacy (including one rare complication called pseudo-tumor cerebri -- look it up, not for the faint of heart). She took medications to mitigate side effects, went through several periods of anorexia and sat for hundreds of hours with an IV drip of immunoglobulin. She began taking Charlotte's Web in late December of 2014 and within a few weeks of treatment had periods of seizure free days for the first time in her life. Side effects noted were smiling, alertness and relaxation. When we knew things were looking "up," we began a slow process of weaning her from one of the two powerful anti-epileptic drugs that she's been on for years (and only on for years because we were afraid to withdraw them and put her through that shit). So far, she's off more than 30% of a powerful narcotic and continues to have large stretches of time free of debilitating tonic-clonic seizures, partial complex seizures and myoclonic clusters. We have not used Diastat, the Big Gun, in months. We will continue to slowly withdraw the benzo and then, hopefully, the Vimpat. If she continues to do well, the world is our oyster, no? Or is it the pearl?

How's that for anecdote?


  1. I am so, so, so deeply happy for you and Sophie.

  2. The oyster and the pearl. Please keep telling Sophie's story, and yours. xo

  3. This news is absolutely great..especially given the fact that weaning any "benzo" is a bona fide nightmare; drug companies probably knew it was addicting to body and mind and kept the secret so sales would grow exponentially.

  4. chills.

    sophie looks beautiful, as she always is, but her posture seems somehow more relaxed and comfortable than in photos from "before."

  5. Anyone who calls him or herself a healer has to pay attention to this. It's simply an astounding thing and of course, not just for Sophie. It's strange isn't it, that lawmakers are jumping onboard with this faster than the science?

  6. Sophie looks good, more alert and present. All good. I'm thankful.

  7. I would say that is a fucking brilliant, shout it from the rooftops "anecdote" that all of those folks who dismiss everything but their own (pharma-funded) double-blind, placebo-controlled studies can shove up their arses like a big, fat suppository that might get their brains and hearts working again to remind them that NO SCIENTIST CAN KNOW IT ALL, EVER, and that anecdotes are how we begin to know what to investigate because they show us the limits of our "knowledge."

  8. So, so happy for you. Thank you for sharing an update on Sophie.

  9. That is a wonderful anecdote, indeed. I'm so happy that Sophie is experiencing relief (which must be a relief for all of you, as well). May it continue through the weaning process and beyond!

  10. That is one heck of an anecdote. As I've said before, anecdotal evidence is STILL evidence.

    I worry a little about the weaning, as I'm sure you do, too. What happens if this country enacts even more ridiculously draconian drug laws and Charlotte's Web becomes unavailable? How would her system respond if she must resume conventional pharmaceuticals?

    I certainly hope that doesn't happen, though -- and I'm thrilled about her current condition.

  11. Very powerful Elizabeth. So happy for you!

  12. As I've said several times before - keep going Elizabeth. Keep telling this TRUTH. You are making a difference!

  13. My name is Wendy Brimm , i am from Vegas here in united state, i wish to tell you all, how i find a doctor that cure me from SKIN CANCER WITH HERBAL CANNABIS OIL, i had cancer for three years , i was on internet that very day when i saw a comment of a lady called MARIA KATRINA from united kingdom sharing her testimony about how this very doctor cured her of HIV, and he also cured AIDS too, i just decided to give it a try and i contacted DOCTOR HAKIM, so he told me everything i needed to know and what to do to get cured and free from my cancer issue, so i went straight and make provisions for the herbs which he used them to prepare herbal medicine for me,i applied the medicine and just to see that the exact day which doctor harkim said i we be cured i was felling good and healthy at once, my strength was regained i went for check up in the hospital and my family doctor told me i am free from my skin cancer can back to normal, this was the greatest miracle that has happened to me in my life, and i promise doctor hakim that i we share his good herbal work to the world, these are few words i can say about this DOCTOR HAKIM, , , I we like you to contact him ADDRESS ( ) if you have any health issue i believe this doctor can help you out as well.

  14. This is so encouraging to read. I want to explore this desperately for our daughter Josie. (twitter #josiedevin) If you have any doctors I can call please let me know. I am in NY. Go Sophie!! And you!! Thank you for blogging!
