Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Maggie May

My writer friend Maggie May Ethridge has a short memoir published today and available for purchase on the wonderful new website Shebooks. The memoir is called Atmospheric Disturbances: Scenes from a Marriage and is easily downloadable at this link or on Amazon.

I've been reading Maggie's blog Flux Capacitor for many years and given the honest and intimate nature of her writing, I feel almost proprietary in promoting her writing -- surely you've read it and surely you must if you haven't! I've already started Atmospheric Disturbances and find it difficult to put down -- there's something about Maggie's ability to articulate the pain and joy of marriage, of serious mental health issues, of her own identity as a woman, that makes you feel as if you lived right next door and were carrying on a conversation over many years. The book is both intensely erotic and utterly matter of fact, if that makes sense, and I'm certain that no matter the state of your marriage or whether you're married or not, you will find something deep and wise and resonant for you in this memoir.

Oh, and it's $2.99 -- really.

Click here and download it today!

Shebooks is a new online publishing platform working to promote women in publishing -- in case you've been hiding (and reading) under a rock, you might not realize that women are very under-represented in the literary world. They recently launched a subscription program that is incredibly reasonable -- and yours truly will have a short memoir published very soon!


  1. Wow, you are a genius at the illuminating summation:
    " intensely erotic and utterly matter of fact,"

    i love that!!!

    Thank you friend xo

  2. Can't wait to check it out! You never steer me wrong.

  3. I'm reading this book of Maggie's again, and it really is astonishing. Such writing!
