Monday, May 19, 2014

Peonies and Peeps

So the heat wave in Los Angeles has broken, and the breeze rustling the palms is decidedly cooler. It's glorious outside, which is a good thing because I'm off to yet another baseball game. After I dropped Oliver off for his pre-game practice, I lowered the windows in my sexy Mazda and cranked up my song du jour, the Byrd's Here Without You, those harmonies, the memories it stirs up, what ties us to another.

It's all a big, fat mystery. We're mules with burdens and impossibly free.

P.S. My peeps: I changed my comment form to a pop-up window. Please let me know if that helps the situation.


  1. Suzanne O'ConnellMay 19, 2014 at 4:45 PM

    testing the pop up box.

  2. I never knew how loud palm trees were 'til we moved here. They are still very exotic to me.

  3. You look so fresh and California-y in your white cotton top.

  4. and yes, it did help the comment situation!

  5. How have peeps lasted in your house since Easter? I let those things go hard and then eat them. You do look fresh and California-y. The comment situation seems much improved.

  6. Love the Byrds. Glad your weather is improving and some of those awful fires are being put out. xoxo

  7. Here in Cozumel it has finally become warmer. How can these weather changes be? And yet, they are and we have to accept them.
    It IS all a big fat mystery, dear friend. I sweat- that is one of the only things I know for sure.
    Sending love.

  8. Oh, were other people having comment problems, too? I thought it was just me! What a relief. Anyway, yes, things seem better now.

    I'm glad the heat wave has dissipated.

  9. Here in MN we're finally getting some heat - almost 80 today which will be glorious. I love how you refer to your car as the sexy Mazda. For some reason that tickles me.

    Comments are lovely now!
