Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Self-Cleaning Litter Box Was the Last Straw

That will be the last time I mention or picture cats on the blog. For the record, I do not care about cats, nor do I even like them. I have fond memories of Tigger, my childhood tabby cat, but they're only fond. This afternoon, my friend D texted me this question along with a screen shot of the product in question:

How much money do you make from the self-flushing litter box ads?

Last time I checked, my earnings -- however effortless and passive -- from the old blog were about $101.24, and it seems almost whorish to keep them up. I personally pay no attention at all to ads on others' blogs, and am even offended, often by the overwhelming presence of them on some of those big time blogger blogs. I confess to thinking that maybe one of my posts would somehow go viral, and every click would bring me some cents and before long I'd be buying us all a trip to Bora Bora. Instead, ya'll report on the tedious wait to comment while ads for kitty litter load, and I don't collect a check until my earnings hit $100 which, according to AdSense, hasn't happened since January.

No more ads and no more cats.


  1. I was curious about that. I don't pay any attention to the ads on blogs and never click them but I'm not offended either. I come here no matter what.

  2. What ads? If you use Chrome browser, just install AdBlock (I am not affiliated with them, just a user) and you'll never have to see ads again. And goodbye to creepy Gmail ads too!

  3. It's so weird it's slightly wonderful though, I think. If I buy shoes on Zappos, I see ads for them everywhere I web-go. A false sense of synchronicity.

  4. The ads on your blog have never ever ever bothered me. And the new pop-up commenting thing has solved any issues from the past (that may or may not have been because of ads). I say keep on whoring the money :)

  5. I'm with Jill. $100 is at least a few pedicures or martinis. Keep the ads!

  6. good for you....a lot of your ads were for insurance and pharma which I thought was always a bit of irony. I wonder if different people see different ads.

  7. Bless you! One can't go ANYWHERE without being bombarded by ads!!! So much for pay TV and the like. Won't be long before we'll be seeing ads in our e-books!!!

  8. The ads didn't bother me and the comment issue has been resolved. So hell- whatever you want to do.
    As to cats. Oh god. I feel so ashamed. I just posted a picture of Maurice but we all know that Maurice is a VERY SPECIAL CAT.

  9. great photo of the cats. Those 'self cleaning' litter boxes are likely too good to be true. I have traded scooping cat feces and urine for picking up doggy poo. Much preferred. Plus, my dog loves me so much more than any cat I ever had. And she's smaller, too!

  10. Too funny! Any ads I ever saw on your blog were related to my own web browsing, not the content of your blog, so I didn't see a kitty-litter ad at all. As for me, I hate the ads on my blog and am soon to divorce myself from BlogHer (although they hate to let me do that until my contract runs out, so they make it hard), and my blog will be much more visually friendly. I have only ever made money off of them when they syndicated my posts and since I refuse to write about celebrities or test Swiffer products and write about them, they won't highlight my blog anymore, anyway.

  11. Ha! It was always entertaining to see what ads would appear on your blog -- you got some very peculiar ones. I wondered what the revenue was like. I've personally never been tempted to try them. I know I don't have enough readers to make it worth the aesthetic disruption.

    A far better fix for me (on your blog) has been moving your comments box to a pop-up window. That has changed everything for the better. No longer do I type a comment only to have it vanish in some bizarre computer hiccup.

  12. The comment box has been fixed and I love cats without apology.. Sweet Jo

  13. I never saw the ads. Sometimes I read on Feedly. If I'd known coming here would help you earn $100, I would have clicked through more often.

  14. Wow, you hit $100? I don't think I would ever get paid out over here LOL! Collect your $100 first before you pull the ads, girl!! :)
