Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Aggravating Parenting Conundrums, Part 329

Notice the position of the dishwasher approximately two feet beyond the table upon which the remnants of a peanut butter sandwich, potato chips and a glass of milk lie.


Is there an invisible shock line drawn from here to there? Is it impossible to remember that one must clean up one's dirty plates upon completion? Does it make one weary beyond all weariness to walk toward the sink, turn on the tap, rinse the plate and place in the dishwasher? Is one saving the remnants for a later in the day nosh? Does one secretly love the sound of one's mother's voice, whether for remonstrance or praise?

Reader, please answer.


  1. I have no answers...just like I have no answers as to why the trash can be taken to the inside garage door through the house, but not open the garage door and deposit the trash in the bin outside. It makes no sense!

  2. It's one of those unanswerable questions.

    I have to laugh because my middle daughter was the worst offender when it came to dirty dishes. She was explaining to me a month ago about how dishes are not allowed in their bedroom. I asked why not. She said because she decided she didn't want dirty dishes in the bedroom.

    This from the same girl whose room always looked like a bomb had gone off in her bedroom. WTF!

  3. I can't even stick to my own rule for myself to keep the sink cleared of dishes and food scraps, even though a clean sink is so calming. Relatively speaking.

  4. Lily's comment made me laugh. My own Lily was the same- such a slob. Now she hates to go to her MIL's house (please don't tell anyone I told you this) because it's so dirty and untidy.
    It'll all work out. But it is the most aggravating thing. I agree.

  5. I would eat the uneaten from their plates. I think 50 % of my calories came from the leftovers.

    Now I cook way too much and when it's just for myself, kinda silly. I can get real tired of turkey chili five days in a row.

    If food from the kids hit the floor, the dog ate it. I did draw the line. I had to have some boundaries.

  6. My ex-husband would always walk over and leave his empty beer bottle to the counter next to the recycle can. Same with the dishes; get up from the table walk across the kitchen and leave his dirty plate and silverware next to the sink on the counter not in it or in the dishwasher...89% of the cleaning effort was already put in, why not just finish the job?

  7. It's the same with replacing the empty toilet role, no? That must be nuclear science or something.

  8. LOL -- I have no answers, but I'm sure I probably did the same thing as a kid and drove my own mother crazy.

  9. I had to laugh! The situation on my house that drives me to insanity is the empty yogurt cup, carefully carried to the kitchen along with the cereal bowl but then left on the counter DIRECTLY ABOVE THE TRASH CAN instead of being placed in it. ;)

  10. I can tell you that in the last 12 hours I have rinsed a milk glass and washed a counter after my almost 20 year old made breakfast but couldn't clean up after herself.

    This problem seems to occur in the Midwest states as well as the West Coast.

  11. yea well I used to constantly find my son's boxer shorts less than a foot from the hamper!!! ARG!!!!

  12. Haven't a clue, but that's a great glass.

  13. this makes me laugh, though when it happens at my house it makes me crazy - maybe his is "perspective" :)
