Saturday, July 5, 2014

Blown Away by Roz Chast

If you haven't read her new memoir Can't We Talk About Something More Pleasant?, and you have any sense or artistic sensibility or a dark sense of humor or notion of the pain and absurdity of life, you should. Read it, that is. (It's also the most pleasant book in the world, to hold)


  1. Yes m'am. Will truly and really do.

  2. I put the Roz Chast book on hold at the library. I am about #34 on the list. I am sure the wait will be worth it.

    I love the "holding" of a book and the feel of the paper when you turn the page. Especially those very silk, smooth pages that just flit through your fingers. I am reading the Raj Quartet right now, to keep my mind focused while I do this crazy moving and it has those pages, cool and light. It's the treat I give myself in the morning before the crazy day starts. I figure I will finish it just in time to hit number one on the Chast waiting list.

    Thank you so much for all the recommendations you give us ravenous readers. And thank you also for the good thoughts you held. We found a wonderful place to live, so I will soon be in a different spot reading you each day. Happy to know that your writing will come with me to this new house and help to make it feel like home.

    Hope for a Sea Change is wonderful, but when it comes out in whole book form I will be happy to hold it too.

  3. I haven't read it but I would love to. Roz is the best.
