Saturday, July 19, 2014

The Big O Is Home From Camp!

For one brief, shining moment there was brotherly love.

Then this:

And this:

Henry told him that "the Dodgers SUCK" (Oliver is a Dodgers fanatic). Then Oliver showed us his bulls-eye and made threats.

My son, the sharp shooter.


  1. Boys. The more they beat each other up, the more they love each other. Don't ask me why.
    Welcome home, Oliver!
    Henry. Don't kill your brother.

  2. I know you missed the Big O. Welcome home Oliver!

  3. Welcome home, Oliver! That room cracks me up. It's so BOY.

  4. Hooray.

    Boys, though. Kind of a foreign country for me. I grew up there, but moved away to daughter land. Hope there's a peaceful remainder of the summer for all of you.

  5. Ahhh life with boys, I can so relate. Welcome home Big O!

  6. Way to go, Oliver! They remind me of my husband and his big brother. They just might be best friends now, as adults. You know, guy style. They still fight like this as well.
