Saturday, September 6, 2014

Oliver and I watched To Catch a Thief  last night. We're visiting my aunt in Los Altos. She has a closet full of videocassetes -- hundreds of them -- and we all had a difficult time figuring out how to work the VCR.  I was worried that Oliver would be bored by the movie, but he was mesmerized. And later, when we were out in the garage getting the blow-up bed, I mused on how good-looking that Cary Grant was. I might have called him dreamy, and Oliver just nodded his head and said, yeah, those old-time people were almost too perfect the way they looked. It almost hurt my eyes.


  1. I love your kids. That Oliver is an old soul.

  2. You know, you really should collect and maintain a record of Oliver's "sayings" and hand them over to him when he's, say, 30. They may be publishable they are so **exceptional**. :)

  3. Next, show him a Doris Day movie so he will know how women are supposed to look when they climb out of bed in the morning.


  4. I"d love to hear what Oliver has to say about Doris Day...! I hope his eyes have recovered. :-)

  5. Sigh. And Gregory Peck in Mockingbird.

  6. Your kids are the best. I just love Oliver!

  7. I bet he was thinking of Grace Kelly. She IS almost too perfect looking in that movie. In every movie, actually.

    I love that line where she talks about being a water-ski champion in Sarasota. Having lived in Sarasota, I always wait for that part. :)

  8. What a crack up. It's the new-timey people that hurt my eyes.

  9. I love the way his mind works, and the things he says. That was a great movie. And those old-timey people generally looked like that without the "benefit" of plastic surgery and botox - gee whiz, Wally, imagine!
