Monday, September 8, 2014

Today in 1504, 1952, 2014 and possibly the future if you help support H.R. 5226***

Michelangelo unveiled his sculpture David on this day in 1504, and Ernest Hemingway published his novel Old Man and the Sea in 1952 after a twelve year dry spell.


On this day in 2014, I did a lot of driving around, had lunch with two friends, tried to make sense of the thirteen denials from Medi-Cal and tried to figure out what I do next about Sophie's wheelchair. I also made an initial foray into getting in touch with Congressman Henry Waxman of California who I want to co-sponsor a bill (HR5226)*** in Congress that will enable high CBD (hemp) products to be shipped anywhere in the United States so that children and young adults with epilepsy might try it and see whether it provides relief for their refractory seizures.

That basically brings us back to David, no? And Goliath?

***H.R. 5226 is the Charlotte's Web Medical Hemp Act of 2014. The sponsor is Republican Representative Scott Perry of Pennsylvania. I am one of the California "point people," for this initiative, helping to get important congressman to be co-sponsors. I have a lot of information about this and am happy to share. Please email me or I will try to summarize in a post a little later this week.


  1. When I was eighteen years old and saw that statue in Florence, I burst into tears.
    You sometimes make me cry and you always inspire me and humble me.
    May this happen.
    May David bring down Goliath once more.

  2. Speaking of Goliaths, the Old Man and the Sea was my dad's version of lite literature and he made me read it - several times, till he felt I "got it" - at the ripe ol age of 9 or 10. I did not, surprisingly, grow up to be a book burner.

    May you have equally surprising success with HR5226 and Medi-Cal.

  3. the job of making sense of medical insurance when you actually have anything wrong is criminal. ought to be criminal to have a system that complicated and full of LYING LIARS!!!

    ok. so, lunch with friends sounds awesome.

  4. Well, good ol' Henry seems like a likely sponsor, does he not? At least you don't have to get Darryl Issa on board! (Or do you?)

  5. How much is that wheelchair, Elizabeth?

  6. I like what I believe Angella is thinking. Can we crowdfund the wheelchair?

  7. 37paddington and Vesuvius At Home: Bless you both, but we're figuring it out. It might mean reams more paperwork, but it'll be figured out.

  8. I wish I lived in Cali and knew someone who knew someone who knew Henry Waxman. I am crossing my fingers and toes that you find someone who can help you and that this bill comes to fruition. And I hope that the work itself feels empowering and full of possibility.
