Friday, October 17, 2014

Go Whoopie, Paige Figi and Joel Stanley!

Watch the link from this morning's The View, here.

What can you do to help us? ABC wasn't allowed to talk about "the politics," of medical marijuana, but many of us are working hard to get a bill passed in the United States Congress. Titled HR5226, the bill amends the Controlled Substances Act to exclude therapeutic hemp and cannabidiol from the definition of marijuana. The bill does not impose additional restrictions on those states who have already legislated the use of cannabis and is an incremental approach to provide relief to those suffering from ailments and diseases that could benefit from CBD oil and therapeutic hemp like epilepsy, severe seizure disorders and other neurological impairments.

By moving the non-psychoactive supplements into a separate category, this bill will not only provide quicker access to patients, but will allow these safe supplements to be produced on a mass scale under agricultural regulations while keeping the price affordable for patients.

It simply makes no sense to keep these products, which have no potential for abuse, lumped in with psychoactive compounds that are, and likely will be for a long time if not forever, strictly regulated.

You can write your congressman or woman and ask them to support HR 5226 -- The Charlotte's Web Medical Hemp Act 2014.

From a California mother and advocate:

This is what prompted HB105. We recognized the many needs beyond epilepsy. We did our best. Our best made us the first state in the country to pass this type of hemp bill. Now, we're asking the US to do the same via HR5226. Both Congressman Stewart and Bishop have co-sponsored along with some 30+ other Congressmen. Send a respectful email to your Congressman asking him or her to co-sponsor HR5226.
The bill is brilliant. All the it does is separate the definition of hemp from marijuana based on THC levels and removes CBD, a natural derivative of the cannabis plant which doesn't produce a high, removes both from scheduled drugs.


  1. I'm going to share this post on FB. I watched the video and as always, was blown away by Ms. Figi and Joel Stanley and of course, the incomparable Ms. Whoopi.

  2. Go team!!!

    There is beauty in the world.
