Saturday, October 18, 2014


Of all the photos I took tonight of Henry and his beautiful date to the homecoming dance, I think this was my favorite. There's a story behind it about last minute hysteria, white shirts that were too small, a neighbor jumping in to give him another one, its starched cuffs and cufflinks (new to Henry), and  the white wrist corsage for his date in a plastic box. I looked at that boy there and practically burst with love for him -- not because he's so damn good-looking but because he's so all grown up and beautiful yet still my little Henry-boy.


  1. He's really so beautiful and so debonair in that first shot. And yet there is also this seetness about him. It comes off him like light. It is light.

  2. Gorgeous. And go buy some shirts at Costco. Their dress shirts are great

  3. Your son is a hottie. (Can I SAY that?) Well, I did. And it's true.

  4. Wonderfully sweet - savored - makes my heart hurt

  5. (Sigh). He's lovely. So is she. Happy moments!

  6. Yes. That sweet little boy still shines through and he always will.
    Oh, Mama.
    I imagine that your heart did almost burst. How could it not?

  7. You captured that heart bursting pride feeling so well. He's beautiful on the outside and we all know you've helped him to be just as beautiful on the inside too.

  8. Bursting with love beauty youth sweetness pride all in that one moment.

  9. We have watched our boys become men lately and it is such a strange feeling, like we blinked and someone changed the channel. Henry so handsome and strong. What will he be I wonder? Someone special I know.

    They are a beautiful couple and you my dear have done an amazing job of raising such a fine and charming young man. Such a good feeling to know that he will make such a fine contribution to this world.

  10. GQ model material, that one. That first photo of him is timeless...I imagine some ancestor 100 years from now digging through old photos (or searching the interwebs) and finding this shot and thinking, WOW.

    Aint nothing like the love we have for our children. It's grand.

  11. I had to look up homecoming, wasn't quite sure. I knew it was a dance, just not why.

    He looks so handsome. Makes your heart burst with pride I'm guessing:)

  12. he's so handsome and so THERE. good job, Elizabeth.

  13. Wil is going to his first dance, and it's homecoming. No date. No group. He's not nervous. Pray for me.

  14. They really are far too good looking for this not to be some red carpet premier. Henry is so Old Hollywood Glamour. The thing all the studs and starlets are always trying to achieve.

  15. I'm struck by how much younger he looks in profile. That second photo melts my heart.

  16. Wow. Love this proud mama post. that first photo is gold.

  17. He is so splendid! And thank you for your writing - this so captured the way I feel about my two, the same - the pride in the men they've become but still my little boys, even though they are in their 20s.
