Tuesday, November 18, 2014

How Much a Chariot Costs, Apparently

Holy shit.


  1. What? Oh my fucking god. No way.

  2. I just saw this and thought, "Holy shit!" and then I saw your comment. Jeez...

  3. Too many hands in the pie. Just for laughs, check out what it would have cost to order online. Not that I'm denigrating the value of needed PT or OT input, or that of wheelchair experts and customization, but the numbers still don't add up right.

  4. We have a foam custom insert in ours. KACHING!!! Shocking to know that one can buy a used car for the same amount.

  5. That includes the horses and Ben Hur himself, I presume.

  6. Denise wins the comments!
    I saw the amount...and then Beg Service Date. For a moment I though "Well, begging WAS actually necessary, right?"

    Let's hope that at midnight, the chariot does not turn into a pumpkin...

    Mrs F

  7. No wonder medical insurance is so expensive in the States. Katie's wheelchair was $1400 and I thought that was a lot.

  8. "The greatest healthcare system the world has ever known." - Boehner

  9. I wish we could find out how much the chariot really costs. I want to know how much the material costs and how much it costs for the person(s) to put it together. If it's $9K, fine. But if it's $2K and some company is making $7K off your daughter's illness, that is NOT fine.

    Where's your bill for how many years off your life it took to get it?
