Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Rain Thoughts

Sophie's aide at school sent me these photos of Sophie with the message Sophie enjoys watching the rain.

It doesn't get much better than that, as they say.


  1. Lovely.

    So glad there is rain for you all right now. We are having glorious sunshine here, but it's still too cold to melt last week's snow. Guess I'll stay inside and watch from here, like Sophie.

  2. She is in there, she is in there, there she is. Beautiful.

  3. She would love it where I live ;)

  4. Wonderful photos of beautiful Sophie with her rock star hair.

  5. Yay! Rain! Your rain even made The New York Times. I thought about you when I read the article.

  6. I'm right there with her. To watch, to listen. Clearly an enormous capacity for wonder, dear girl. xo

  7. What Kim said!
    I am glad that California is getting much-needed rain, and that Sophie has an aide who notices such things, and photographs your beautiful daughter to illustrate and share these moments with you. What a gift.

  8. Love these pics and that the assistant would sent them to you. Ben adores the rain -- it's his favourite kind of weather. xo
