Saturday, February 7, 2015

Anthem Blue Cross Film Noir

The Almighty Anthem Blue Cross has evidently been hacked, perhaps by the Chinese, and more than 80 million subscribers' personal information leaked. Twice in the last year, we've received Explanation of Benefits from Anthem Blue Cross of Georgia denying claims for Sophie. While Sophie used to have a policy from Anthem Blue Cross of California, we've never had one from Georgia. The dates on the claims are from years ago, and the first time I got one, I just raised my fabulous eyebrows and threw it in the trash. I got another one yesterday, and coupled with the news of the hack, I wondered if somehow, somewhere, someone is impersonating Sophie. Under the eyebrows, I'm imagining the ease with which some other Sophie is purchasing wheelchairs, orthotics, obscure anti-epileptics, rectal Valium and the like. I'm amused by the thought of someone taking Sophie's identity and being subject to Anthem Blue Cross of the World.

Good luck with that.