Friday, February 20, 2015

Homeschooling in the Winter in Los Angeles

One of Oliver's instructors

I know that it's cold elsewhere, and the effects of global warming on our territory is an alarming lack of rain, but this morning Oliver paddled out into the ocean again for another stand-up paddleboard STEM class and I can't help but feel grateful, again, to live here. That fellow above was one of his instructors. The other is a woman who looks equally as fine, but I don't think you need a photo of her. Right? So much for those of you who say that you'd miss the seasons if you lived here in February.

We drove home from Redondo Beach in the early afternoon and delved into Egyptian history with a curriculum that uses the Usborne Internet-linked Encyclopedia of the Ancient World. We read about Hatsepshut, the queen who became king. Do ya'll remember learning about her when you studied Egyptology? I sure didn't, and it's quite a fascinating story. After being wedded to her brother for a bit (a common occurrence in ancient Egypt) and producing no heir (probably a blessing), her young nephew was next in line to be king but too young to rule, so she became a regent.

Eventually, she decided that she would be not regent or even queen, but King, was properly crowned and began to wear all the royal regalia that a male king would wear, including a little beard. Oliver wondered if maybe she was transgender, an interesting thought that I could only marvel over in its casualness. These open-minded millennials!  I told him that I didn't know but that he could perhaps one day write a doctoral dissertation on it.

Hatsepshut ruled for many, many years, but after she died, the pissed-off nephew became king and ordered all of her images and buildings -- everything associated with her --  be defaced and destroyed. Sigh. Some things never change. Evidently, Egyptologists are working on restoring some of the buildings that she ordered built, including a mortuary temple. Here's a picture of Hatshepsut, with her little beard:

So, it's been a productive and educational day. Onward.


  1. I swear, sometimes I read about your homeschooling adventures and I think I'm gonna pull one of my kids out of school just so I can learn about all these awesome things you're learning with Oliver. The conversations you guys must have just make me green with envy.

    And the SUP STEM class reminds me of a hippie physics teacher I had in high school. He was a longboard surfer and decided that the best way to teach us about the difference between waves and particles would be to take us all surfing. A bit different on the Oregon coast than where you are (full-on wetsuits, for one thing), but I never forgot that lesson and I still can't believe he didn't get busted for doing it. These days, the liability would probably be so ridiculous they could never leave the school with a class full of kids, much less take them out on the ocean with only one teacher. Ha! I am so lucky to have lived back then!

    1. That teacher sounds awesome! I know that the Oregon waters are cold, but they are here this time of year, too. You couldn't pay me to get in the water without a wetsuit!

  2. Hatshepsut's Beard. Surely a good title for something!

    1. A -- I'm thinking a short story with that title would be intriguing --

  3. I don't mind looking at Oliver's instructor at all.

    Now that I am in peri-menopause I could grow a beard. Not 5 minutes ago I was in the bathroom with tweezers.

    1. Birdie -- I've said it before, but you are so damn funny!

  4. I enjoy hearing about you and Oliver and school. It sounds like you have found a groove. That lesson you just taught was great. I never learned that or if I did I promptly forgot it. I love Oliver's transgender comment. Enlightened youth these days!

  5. If we could only have some of these opportunities in Small Town, Texas. You lucky duck(s). Hatshepsut was a boss. I am so psyched that homeschool is working so well for O!

  6. So glad to hear homeschooling is working well.
    You're on it girl.

  7. Hatshepsut and her beard, Alice B. Toklas and her mustache....and this evening all the waxed "beauties" on the red carpet.
