Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Post Lament and Citrus Zest

Really. I just couldn't resist. For the record, I've uninstalled (is that the word?) Facebook from my phone and have pledged to only visit there once or twice a day. I've also sworn off the news, so unless Bob Dylan or someone like him dies, I don't want to hear about it. I went on a long walk with a friend this morning for the first time in -- well, let's just say that it's been too long, and as my friend says, I've got a situation going that's not getting any better. On the way to her house, I walked past a single heart monitor thingy lying in the grass and took it as a sort of omen that I need to get on the stick and exercise more regularly before the situation gets out of hand. Yesterday's lament and its residual anxiety hangover disappeared somewhere along the route we took and truly went up in a puff of salt, crushed pepperoncini and citrus zest that covered the thin slices of avocado that lay on the toasted baguette that I ate at a restaurant along our walking route. Back at my house and outside my bedroom, despite the constant whine of big box mega-mansion construction and a steady stream of male Spanish talk and music, the lemon and orange trees are blooming and literally assailing me with their sweetness. I wish I could box it up and send it to someone in Maine (Christy?) or Boston (Single Dad? Claire?) or New York (Sandra?).

Reader, what's happening with you?


  1. I just let my FB "friends" know that I'd no longer be discussing the weather. I am exactly where I want to be. The weather is always pretty much the same this time of year. Spring arrives on Friday, March 20 at 5:45 p.m. CST. Nothing will change that!! I can't entirely give up the news but it pretty much comes from PBS (boring, I know). Now, about that toasted baguette with avocado....!


    1. Bonnie -- YES! I think avocado toast is the new thing. You have to make some and write about it on your blog!

  2. I often underestimate the power of being with a good friend - especially when I'm caught up in some sort of drama. I love that you went for a walk and felt better and I am so grateful for your description of the citrus blossoms. I can smell them in my head now. My daphne bushes are all blooming and the scent knocks me down every time I go out the back door, considering it's mid-February. I have considered ignoring Facebook more and more and I already ignore all but the very most local news (my neighborhood's blog), but I will definitely try to remember how restorative and rejuvenating walking or lunching with a friend is. Thanks for the reminder. If you ever make it back up to Seattle, come knock on my door and we'll wander my neighborhood that, for now, is still full of 100-year old houses and cherry trees.

    1. kario -- I might be coming near you in June when I embark on my Hedgebrook residency, so stay tuned for a visit!

    2. Ooh, yes! That would be lovely. And then you can see the daphne in person ;-)

  3. I've got FB on a timer, so that I am locked out for the day after an hour. I am thinking of shortening that period to 1/2 hour a day. Closing down now to get some gardening done before I meet a friend this afternoon for a "cafe write." My little peach tree is blooming, the daphne is scenting the air, the pea plants are making shoots and peas... Glad you went on a walkabout with your friend today, Dear Elizabeth. x0 N2

    1. N2 -- A timer for Facebook? That sounds great. What app is it? And what is daphne? You're the second person to mention it, so I think I'll look it up.

    2. It is an extension for Chrome called Stay Focused the Mac Chrome browser: extension://laankejkbhbdhmipfmgcngdelahlfoji/help.html#general
      Daphne is a rather unassuming shrub that is one of the first things to flower in spring. It has an unmistakeable scent, half citrus and half floral, that reaches out and grabs you as you walk down the street. A little touchy to grow, but once you get it going it'll stay with you. Here's a link: Nice to talk with you. Loved your midnight ride with Oliver to the Chinese New Year celebration. x0 N2

  4. My grands just left and were here just long enough for all fun, no tears. Owen gave me a make-over and I look like a Disney witch. The sun is shining so brightly and the magnolia leaves, when they catch the wind just right, shiver and shimmer.
    I wish I had an avocado.
    I am glad I know you.

    1. Ms. Moon -- Avocado toast is all the rage out here, and I think I'm going to be very trendy and start eating it daily. I'm not sure I can replicate the pepper thing -- it was just the tiniest bit of spice/heat, but the primary flavor was salt and citrus. Yum.

  5. That sounds delicious. I'm currently running many half marathons and shorter runs to get over a broken heart. I'm not sure it's working but it sure is distracting.

    1. Blue Gal -- I'm always impressed by runners and wish I could skip over the miserable part and just love it. Alas. And I'm sorry to hear of your broken heart.

  6. There is a restaurant here called Toast where you can buy 8 billion dollar slices of toasted bread with stuff on them but nary a ripe avocado in sight this time of year. Yum. Mary made me laugh. Love you. And citrus trees which I only smelled once in my life in Key West.

    1. Radish King -- Seriously on the citrus thing? I must send you a box of them, then. It's almost obscene.

  7. I started my day making a list of things to do. A friend came by and we did Yoga Nidra. I dressed for lunch and met my mentor from years ago. I went to Costco. That was not on the list. I came home exhausted. Now I am reading blogs and looking at Facebook. Not on the list. Work is on the list. It's almost 4 pm. Tired is not on the list and a nap is not either...

    1. It is yogic sleep - a type of yoga meditation. It is marvelous. I want to invite you to a Monday night session at my friend's studio near Marina del Rey if you can get away between 6:30-7:30 pm or Sunday mornings in Pacific Palisades (not sure of the time). You will love it. It is like Shivasina (spelling) guided for an hour. Pure bliss + many more benefits from it.

  8. Feeling the same way about FB. If it wasn't for my Dravet support group I would get rid of it without a thought. Also, I can't handle the thought of Bob dying. Sometimes when I hear him on the radio my first thought is Oh God no he's dead. It will be a sad day for sure.

    1. I am sorry to hear about Dravet -- I know how brutal it is. And Bob? Maybe he'll live forever?

  9. I never use Facebook on my phone, and never at work. I think that's what saves my sanity.

    1. Steve Reed -- So there's hope for my own sanity?

  10. I think I am one of the few people living in a developed country that does not have a FB account. Everyday my husband has a new FB story and I just shake my head.

    Bob can't die. He just can't. Heaven can have Justin Bieber and Celine Dion but not Bob.

    1. Second person with no Facebook. Apparently, I'm not missing much.
