Sunday, March 15, 2015

Holding Space

Not a week goes by that I don't get an email, a note or a comment on my blog from a stranger that expresses some sort of gratitude or solidarity. These make me want to sink to my knees, to perform some act of humility to warrant them.

I'm fascinated by white space around words, those pages that claim the space even as the words march across.

To abide is to continue without fading or being lost. I am drawn to the word abide,  to abide with others, particularly if they are suffering. I want the same for myself. Abide with me.

So much of the time we need to have someone hold space for us. I need some space held.


  1. Breathing, and holding that space for you.

  2. In my heart. You abide there, my friend.

  3. There is no greater gift than having someone hold space with us. It's an art that few have mastered, and I'm not sure can be taught. Holding virtual space with you.

    1. Carrie Link -- Thank you. I have been thinking of YOU of late, hoping you're well.

  4. Holding space, for us all, within and without. Said, not facetiously, The Dude abides. xo

    1. Marylinn -- Do you know I've never seen that movie? I did go see and listen to The Dude himself, though, a year or so ago. He was wonderful and hilarious.

  5. My cupped hands to receive you.
    Your cupped hands to receive me.


  6. You are a Beacon for so many. And many abide with you. Our light will shine on each other.


    1. michelle -- It's always such a pleasure to see your name and sweet face, especially after a long absence. Thank you for your kind words.

  7. Abiding with and for you, in your personal and public personas.

  8. Just before i read this blog entry, someone had posted an article on Facebook about holding space for people. I often get caught up with how I want people to 'fix me' or 'make things better' (I'm a bit trapped emotionally in childhood it would seem) but it is the holding space that they can do and I can do for them. It's a rather deep and profound thing.
    If God exists, that is what God does I think. I don't get why God isn't out actually fixing things; I don't get it at all. But perhaps the dude (ess) does abide, as per a previous commenter. That would be a tiny amount of phew.
    - Karen

    1. Karen -- Thank you so much for your thoughtful comment. I will look for that article, and how funny that it appeared at all! Perhaps the universe is indeed conspiring in a positive way!

  9. Always. I am always holding space for you. And, as I've learned over the years, holding space for others makes it that much easier to hold space for myself. I saw the article Karen spoke of and I thought it was actually a great introduction into the notion of doing such a thing.


  10. I think it strangely wonderful that someone I have yet to meet in person can abide with I abide with you...It seems we in the "real" as opposed to the online world have forgotten this or never learned it.

    1. e -- Exactly! Strangely wonderful, indeed. Thank you for your sweet words.

  11. Even though I don't comment often, I read your blog posts every day, think of you often, and still sometimes see you in Whole Foods and think, "Ah! I wish!" I hold space for you with every breath, dear Elizabeth.

  12. Holding space here, in silence. XO
