Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Three Pictures

When the sun goes down at the end of the day, it slants just so through the bathroom windows. I always think, it's the bathroom's favorite time of day.

Sunset was weird tonight, windy and orange-hued.The air was thicker than usual, and it might have sprinkled a bit here and there. It's never enough.

One drug, one month's worth. Thirty blue tablets, chock-full of chemicals that do terrible things but don't stop seizures. Someone's making money. You do the math.


  1. Well, the first two pictures are absolutely lovely.

  2. The sunset actually looked amazing! I love the orange hue there!

  3. In contemplating the over $1,000 a pill I realize it's bourbon time.

  4. A glass of wine for the first pic, a cup of tea for the second, and a jug of Meemaw's moonshine for the third. -nancy

  5. That last photo is quite sickening.

  6. I couldn't say it better than Nancy did.
