Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Don't tell anyone, but*

tonight I was filmed by a trio making a documentary about marijuana. I sat in a chair and babbled on for two hours about our experiences and my thoughts on what's going down. The guys and woman were wonderful, and it was really fun, to tell you the truth. When they'd gathered up their lights and cameras and cords and paraphernalia (so cool and interesting!) and left, I felt wired and just this side of anxious (because of all the thoughts and emotions stirred up), but it wasn't until Oliver came screaming down the hall with a glass full of water, Henry chasing after him (evidently upset because Oliver had been throwing ice at his car as he pulled away for lacrosse practice), and the glass went flying and the water went flying and the glass hit the floor as Oliver hit the floor and the glass shattered and everyone was screaming, no one louder than me I'M SO SICK OF YOU GUYS' SHIT! that I poured myself a glass of wine, retreated to my bedroom and told all present parties to not talk to me for the rest of the night and leave me alone. 

*I cursed at my teenaged boys.


  1. ARRG. Don't come out. Unless the filmmakers return with Exhibit A.

  2. This makes me miss my boys as teenagers. (Can't believe I'm saying this! LOL.) And I sit here typing, almost completely pain-free from carpal tunnel issues because I got a new vial of CBD lotion today (without which I wouldn't be able to work). Happy Wednesday to you!

    1. So cool that you're getting relief from topical CBD. Its uses are really incredible!

  3. I can relate re the boys. No claim to filmdom fame but I'm glad to be able to say that I know you. Oh, and I hope you took the wine bottle into the bedroom with you.


    1. I was thinking the same thing about the wine! I hope if you holed up in there for the rest of the night, you had the bottle (or that glass was really big).

    2. From the Kitchen -- Just one glass is enough for me. I even fell asleep early!

  4. i can relate. funny enough, i'm just writing about my own teenaged boys.
    can you tell us more about the documentary?

    1. I can't wait to read about your boys. The documentary is called "The Green Standard," and I wrote a bit about it last year when I helped advertise about their Kickstarter. I'm really looking forward to its completion!

  5. There's so much life when teenagers are around. Another kind of nature unbound. I love the scene you paint even though I'm sure I'd be screaming too. And oh my, Henry driving himself to lacrosse. Somehow I'd never fully taken that in. He's a man. But with his little brother, still a man child, racing down the hall. Congrats on the documentary! (Re T's comment, are people also taking CBD oil for chronic pain?)

    1. Yes, they are. The uses for CBD and other cannabinoids, as well as THC are many, 37paddington!

  6. I'm sure every mother of teenage boys curses at them. My mother certainly cursed at us. I don't blame you in the least! And I'm sure, as you said, talking for two hours about a topic that you feel so deeply and passionately about stirred things up and laid the groundwork for that reaction.

    1. I think the boys actually like it when I curse, to tell you the truth. Which probably means I've been subverted -- again.

  7. One night when everyone was arguing and yelling and fighting just before supper, I got up and left. I just left and drove away. I never wanted to turn around. I finally did of course but I just couldn't take the fighting anymore. This too shall pass it just take so fucking long!

    1. lily cedar -- I have done that as well. It's very satisfying.

  8. Lily told me the other day that she felt bad about yelling at the boys but then she thought, "Mom yelled at us all the time and that turned out okay."
    Seriously. That happened.
    If Mother Theresa had had children, she would not have been Mother Theresa.
    Now. For the important stuff- HONEY CHILE! A documentary about marijuana! You're a celebrity! You're amazing! You are the great and grand and wise Elizabeth! I'm feel humbled to know you. And I am serious about that, too.

    1. You have no idea how comforting this comment is --

  9. Don't tell anyone, but I told my 15 year old to kiss my ass last night. Mostly in jest, but somehow, not really. And, it probably doesn't matter if you tell anyone, because I'm certain she will tell everyone.

  10. My feeling is that they have very strong characters and will not be permanently hurt by your words. Besides, I note that you did not swear about them, personally, but about their shit. Not the same thing.

    Thank you for sharing honestly (one of the things I love about you!) the juxtaposition of the way the taping felt to you, and the normal family stuff that followed. As Jack Kornfield says, "After the Ecstasy, the Laundry." I wonder how much of our energy we expend trying to make, and then keep, things running smoothly. It appears that this just isn't the way of the bulk of life; even if we get things running smoothly, they don't tend to stay that way. I'm trying to get more comfortable with that fact, but even THAT isn't running smoothly!

    1. Karen -- I always love your thoughtful comments. Thank you for this one. I particularly love the Jack Kornfield quote!

  11. My daughter drove home drunk last night, I called her a fool, she told me to fuck off. And that's just what's at the bottom of a very full laundry basket.

    I'm so glad you had a wonderful experience with those documentary people - let us know more - that's exciting!
    And your boys that dance sounds beautiful, normal. But we do get to swear, it's only fair. I told her to fuck off too .... but there's no wine here. I'm going to hop on a plane and come down there, ironically I need a drink too.

  12. I'll never forget a mentor of mine saying, "Kids don't get enough good God damn its."

    1. Somehow, Carrie Link, I just can't imagine you EVER saying anything like that to your children!

  13. About 2 months ago I screamed at the top of my lungs for my son to stop sleeping all fucking day and to get a fucking job. There was foot stomping in there.

    "Wake up!!" (stamp, stamp) "Stop sleeping all fucking day and get a fucking job!" (stamp, stamp) "Fuck! I am not fucking kidding. GET A FUCKING JOB!!" (stamp, stamp, bedroom door slammed with both hands) **

    **My head may or may not have spun around 360 degrees.
