Sunday, May 24, 2015

Podcast for Expressing Motherhood

I had such a good time doing this podcast for my friend Lindsay Eller Kavet of Expressing Motherhood. It's always a little disconcerting to hear your voice -- do I really sound like that? -- but I'm definitely a talker, and I just love Lindsay and really admire how she supports creative women and mothers. Check out her site and consider submitting and doing one of her shows. Upcoming ones are in San Francisco and South Dakota.

Thanks, Lindsay, for this opportunity!

Listen here.


  1. Dear Elizabeth - What can I say? I just love you! That was great! That is all. Jo

    1. Thank you for listening -- it was fun to do. I love you right back!

    2. Thanks for listening Joanne. Elizabeth, you have the voice for radio. I do not but I just love talking to creative moms so I'll keep on keeping on. Great job indeed!

  2. I just curled up in bed and listened to this whole thing. You are so clear and concise and funny and real and intelligent and articulate. I loved hearing you talk about Hedgebrook my dream date and about rest and how it must seem almost impossible for you. And you mentioned writing in your head all the time which of course is where the real work happens. I think you will be transformed by and you will transform others at Hedgebrook. I'm so excited. The funniest part of the podcast was this It's a tincture. A what? a tincture TINCTURE. Oh. Do you rub it on her?

    Ahhh I love you. When do you leave?

    1. Thank you for listening! And I leave on June 23rd. Yikes!

  3. I also enjoyed the podcast. You are so easy to listen to; articulate and informative yet easygoing and unpretentious. And you handled that embarrassing "tincture" moment so graciously. Please don't follow that trend you guys discussed: shutting down blogs.

  4. Thanks for being on the show Elizabeth and enlightening me about tincture. I'm not sure why I should be embarrassed but hopefully I didn't offend you, just asking questions as I don't have all the answers :) Loved hearing your voice. Much better then my own. Thanks again.

    1. Thanks, Lindsay! I don't know why the "tincture" moment was noteworthy to some of my readers -- it's a weird word, and I say it weirdly. I think you are absolutely WRONG on my "radio" voice! I love your voice and think my own is nasally.
