Wednesday, June 10, 2015

An Access Public Service Announcement

Did you notice while watching the Dateline special Growing Hope on Sunday night that nearly every single commercial was for a pharmaceutical or for a pharmaceutical for your dog? Are you at all as bothered by the irony as I? I doubt anyone who wants to be relieved of their incontinence problems, their aching joints or their failure to maintain an erection has to beg their legislator to get relief.

I'm drawing up a few days' worth of Sophie's Charlotte's Web cannabis oil in the above photo. I told Oliver to hold that camera a little higher so you can't see any chins. You can see my Italian peasant woman arms, though, that soft and terribly strong part of my body that I defy anyone to put down as they've served me well as a mother for over twenty years. As you can see, I'm at the end of the bottle which means I can pick up the telephone or go online and order some more from Realm of Caring.

I have access to this lifesaving medication.

Thousands of families don't, though, and are either medical refugees or waiting to get access, at the mercy of politicians. I won't talk about doctors in this post, though, at least the misguided ones. Some people not only live in states without access to cannabis oils but also have doctors who stymie their desire to try it.


You can help. Go to The Coalition for Access Now. 


  1. What a beautiful picture of YOU.

    X Beth

  2. Those are great arms Elizabeth! Indeed they have served you well. And Oliver did a great job with the picture. More than all of that however is the messaging you are doing re access, big pharma and politicians. So much to do and you do it all so well. Thank you.

    1. Thank YOU, Mary Lou! We're doing this together --

  3. You are a beautifully armed Goddess.

    1. Thank you, fullsoulahead. I could definitely use a few more arms, though!

  4. Thank you for all the work you do! x0 N2

    1. You are welcome, although there are many of us out here!

  5. And the ads for pharmaceuticals in magazines are followed by two pages of the most densely, small typed warnings of side-effects which, if read, would wrinkle your brow so much that you would need even more Botox. Or whatever.
    And yet..."We want to make sure we don't want to just stop the seizures, but that we make the lives of these children better."
    Or whatever that doctor said.
    Perhaps they could include Botox for the parents.
    You are beautiful. You are strong. You are on the side of right.

  6. Recently had a long and occasionally loud discussion about cannabis oils at a family supper. Believe I got through to some hard, ill-informed heads. Used you and Sophie as an irrefutable point. Your brain bristles with beauty and your arms are emissaries of its will in the world.

    1. Oh, this means so much to me. Thank you for sharing that with me and for duking it out for the cause.

  7. I just love this post because it is deep, it is real, and there are those little random one liners that catch you off guard with a burst of laughter. It's just everything, rolled into one amazing narrative!
