Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Hedgebrook, Day Six

Fish tacos for dinner last night


Structuring my day around food and company comes as naturally to me here in the magical queendom of Hedgebrook as it does in the big shitty.

Taking oneself seriously as a writer is directly proportionate to thinking that it's all a farce and you're boring, even yourself.

A nettle sting, even to the tip of the pinky, is powerful. Surely that was a spider bite, I thought as the pain radiated out from the base of the nail and into the tip. It tingled, pins and needles for twelve hours.

The distance between being a woman respectable in appearance and well-spoken, to being a harridan with damp hair in the woods, haranguing herself, is short.


  1. And I have made the journey. Except my hair is generally wet, not damp.
    Go for it woman! Become the harridan you were born to be!

  2. And I have made the journey. Except my hair is generally wet, not damp.
    Go for it woman! Become the harridan you were born to be!

  3. P.S. That picture tells a billion words.

  4. If you get bit by nettles again rub the nearest fern on the place where the nettles touched your skin. Most likely they will be bracken fern which grows abundantly here. Another good idea is to touch a banana slug to the hurty area but our freakish lack of rain has herded those critters back to whatever evil world they came from. I don't know a single writer who isn't full of doubt. I think if we are not full of doubt as artists we are doing it wrong.

  5. I might fall down dead if someone cooked one single thing for me. Truly. And I would die happy.

  6. Have I mentioned that I love - and look forward to - these daily posts more than I can say? Your enjoyment is contagious. XO

  7. You sound like you are happy there - good!

    I wish I had....a fish taco

  8. You're funny - not the bite. Can you get the valet man to gently rub it for you?

  9. Nettles are serious business! And self-doubt is pretty much par for the course for any writer, don't you think? Ms Moon has it right -- release that inner harridan! (Can a man be a harridan?! I wonder.)

  10. The only fish tacos I've seen before have been dry, sad little packets -- nothing like the beautiful display at Hedgebrook. Clearly, the folks there take nurturing the entire artist seriously. Yum.
