Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Hedgebrook, Day Twenty-one

Last night, three of us walked over Deer Lagoon to Useless Bay when the tide was going out and the sun was going down. The water was literally rushing out with the wind. No bugs last night and the coolest of breezes, Mt. Rainier right there in the distance. I know I'm gushing, but it was glorious.

I don't have much to say, to tell you the truth. It's been an incredible three weeks, and I leave tomorrow evening from Seattle. I've met an extraordinary group of writers, I've finished a rough draft of the book, I've read two novels, one memoir and a pile of New Yorkers. I've re-read To the Lighthouse, the collected stories of Lydia Davis and some William Carlos Williams. I've received a pile of letters -- thank you to Missy and Carolyn and Rebecca and Mary and Liv and Mary Lou for your beautiful words and old-fashioned stationery. I arrived three weeks ago and spent a glorious day and night with Karen. Thank you for showing me this beautiful part of the world that you call home. I spent a lovely afternoon with Kari in Langley, including a delicious lunch and conversation that could have gone on for hours. Thank you, Kari, for taking the time to come out here and for sharing your life with me. I met Lynda who has been reading my blog for years and with whom I've only exchanged emails. She drove me around Whidbey Island and showed me the sights, introduced me to her beautiful family and shared the most delicious mussels I've ever had, harvested right here on Whidbey. I am grateful for your friendship.

So, I did have something to say.

I'm saying my good-byes today to Hedgebrook Farm, to my little cottage, Willow and to the extraordinary people who work here. I am replenished and filled with gratitude for the experience. I'll never forget this time and the work I did here in solitude, even as I was cared for and nourished.


  1. I feel, in a way, as if I have been there too, and I am going to mourn for the end of this journey with you.
    But oh- how I know your family is going to appreciate you and love having you back!
    I am SO proud of you for doing this. For qualifying, for being CHOSEN, for doing the work, taking the time, sharing it all.
    Thank you, Elizabeth. So much.

  2. Oh, I have goosebumps reading this. What a lovely tribute to your time there. I love that I got to be a small part of your trip up here and that I can picture you in that cozy cabin, reading and writing and gazing out the window. I am so pleased that you took full advantage of the opportunity and I can't wait until you decide to come to Seattle for a visit so we can continue our conversation. Journey mercies, my friend. Enjoy your last moments there and the reunion with the boys and Sophie.

  3. It's been amazing sharing this journey with you. Thank you again for writing a tidbit each day. I too am so gad you took advantage of this opportunity so richly deserved. I too can't wait to hear of your reunion with your kids, especially with Sophie. I'm wondering if this is the longest you've been away from her. But not yet, enjoy your last day away, even at the airport, just take all the last moments for yourself. Love you.

  4. I am so very glad that you had all these wonderful moments to cherish.

    The app I am using to catalog my books is called Sort It! It turned into being a little more labour intensive than I would have liked (The scan feature doesn't work that well) but I am finished. 401 books. I should probably purge but I don't part with books all that easily.

  5. What a journey it's been, dear Elizabeth. And it continues still. Joy.

  6. I could cry as I read your words. I hope you will come back again - it was our pleasure to host you, and it would be a pleasure again. Godspeed, traveling mercies, gentle landing and re-entry to you. You are a gift to all of us, and you have generously shared this gift of a residency with us so well. Thank you. It has been transformative for me, through you. May your book continue to grow, and may you flourish in the spirit of these past 21 days. With much love xoxo

  7. Love and love and love. I'm so glad you went, and took us with you a little bit, and A DRAFT! Holy shit, that's big.

  8. You will wear Hedgebrook Farm home with you, in your memories and even in your hair and clothing. One doesn't just land and finish. That nourishment will continue to feed you for a very, very long time - I am so happy for you.

    Thank you sincerely for the kindness of your daily diary with us. It made me feel like family, it fed me. I hope for a soft landing for you as you make your way back to your other world.

  9. That's wonderful that you got so much writing done and that you had time to recharge your batteries. Wonderful that you had time, took time, for yourself. It's not easy to do and oh so necessary. Take care.

  10. I'm sure you are simultaneously sorry to leave and happy to be getting back to "real life." HOW GREAT that you finished a rough draft of the book! Woo hoo! And got so much reading and other writing done! You are a MASTER!

    I love the picture of Mount Rainier...

  11. I'm so, so happy you had this time. And you finished the rough draft of your book!!!! Momentous!

  12. I'm so happy you've had this opportunity!
