Thursday, August 6, 2015

Another Day in Paradise

I took Oliver and Sophie to the beach in the late afternoon yesterday so that we could walk for a bit, eat dinner at our favorite beachside cafe and then watch the sunset.

The sky turned pinker and pinker as we left, but since I was driving I couldn't get a good shot. Here's one I took at a stoplight before Oliver screamed at me to not text and drive. Even though I wasn't texting and driving, he was right that I shouldn't have been so distracted.


  1. I am cheered to see you, Sophie and Oliver savoring the joys of paradise. Isn't the ocean why we're here? Hooray, Oliver, for paying attention, helping keep everyone safe. Happy Thursday sunset. xo

  2. Darling haircut! Oliver is so funny/cute. It looks like a beautiful day.

  3. Lovely pics and like your haircut:)

  4. You look so beautiful, Elizabeth.
    Gosh, LA is a wonderful place to live.Wish I'd seen more of it when I was there.
    Hope I get to go back someday. That sunset makes you think that earth is such a glorious thing.

  5. And that is the most perfect kind of day.

  6. Hello dear friend,
    Beautiful family, beautiful photos, beautiful you.
    p.s. I am happy to see you kept your shell, Despite your strong reaction to what came out of it, I believe it holds a little magic.

  7. Gorgeous photos. I've been shy about commenting, but I'm still reading your blog and I miss you. We should go for a walk (or coffee or drink) sometime. You actually live in my neighborhood! I'll email you.

  8. Elizabeth, Sophie always looks so pretty. I have curls and know how hard they are to tame! And her clothes are so feminine and lovely. I think this is just one small part that makes you such an awesome mom.

    Where do you find her clothes?

    1. Birdie -- Ha! You've caught me. I spare no expense on Sophie's clothes -- have always bought her beautiful things. I get things from everywhere from Target to Boden to Nordstrom and a little store in my neighborhood. Sophie is so small that she can still wear children's sizes, so they are generally from children's departments. And thank you for noticing --

  9. gorgeous, all three of you!

  10. That's wonderful. Where is it?
    I don't know how I reached here... but I will come again.
    Visit my blogs.
    Teresinha from Portugal... somewhere in this wide world............

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Teresinha! I'm in southern California!

  11. Can I just ask, how is Oliver doing after his year of homeschooling? Will you continue homeschooling? (hope time doesn't go so fast that I'm convinced you've been homeschooling for one year, and it's been two instead!)
