Monday, August 10, 2015

The first two of my three beloveds

I'm so excited to announce that I'll be contributing monthly to the wonderful organization and website,, and my first post is up live today. If you don't know this website, I hope you'll visit, look around and support them. Here's what they're all about:

Welcome to an online sanctuary where you can experience and share the transformative power of gratitude. Join a growing global community of people committed to making a difference with the gifts and opportunities of life. Open to the “great fullness” and potential of this moment – allow grateful living to bring gratitude to life…

I have been a subscriber to their Word of the Day and monthly newsletter for many years, never expecting that I might one day have the opportunity to give back in gratitude. The story of how I got involved with the organization is the subject of my first post, so click here to read it.  That's the main link and gives you an idea of what they do. If you scroll down, you'll see yours truly and my first post. 

How often does an opportunity to give back happen when you've needed yet also received so much? Thank you, Michael B. and Karen and Kristi and all the beautiful folks at for giving me such a chance.


  1. I am so honored and lucky to know you.

  2. I'm thrilled for you and for the community. You (and your writing) are luminous, and I am blessed to be your friend. Thank you for the generous shout-out. XOxo

  3. What Rebecca said. They are so lucky to have you.

  4. Wonderful! Congratulations! I am so glad to have found the website through you.

  5. How wonderful, Elizabeth! I am happy to have found you in this journey!

  6. How lovely...Thank you for sharing this...I shared your post on FB. I am new to that venue, so I hope that is okay. In my experience, going online and meeting other bloggers, including and especially disability bloggers, has been essential to my learning asa disabled woman and wheelchair user. I know I don't comment often, I am now spending more time with my own writing. Being able to come here and read and ponder has helped that effort. I look forward to checking out this website and continuing to cheer you on.

  7. That is so cool! I get e mails from the daily. No idea when or how I signed up for them but they always make me pause.

  8. Love it. This site is so terrific and the fact that you are now writing there makes me love it even more.
