Saturday, August 15, 2015

Saturday Late Afternoon Sanity Beach Trip

I asked Henry to come with me and Sophie to the beach for an hour or two around 4:30 this afternoon. O,K., I begged Henry to come with me and Sophie to the beach for an hour or two around 4:30 this afternoon. I was desperate to actually go in and under the water, have been feeling this deep craving to do so for weeks.

Even though he had no interest in going in himself, he obliged me and brought his lacrosse stick to practice what they call cradling.

It was a scorcher elsewhere in Los Angeles today -- in fact, I went into the deep dark valley earlier in the afternoon to pick up Sophie's cannabis oil, and my car thermometer read 105 degrees. The temperature at the beach in the late afternoon was about 80, though, and the water as warm as it gets here which is still refreshingly cold. I took Sophie for a walk along the edge of the water and then in to about our knees before bringing her back up to her stroller and Henry. Then I walked down past the lovers and the mothers and the children and one small man in a bicycle helmet and what can only be called a private-parts or -- let's be blunt -- penis holder whose fabric was the American flag. I surmised porn star, such was the area and -- uh, length -- of the flag (honestly, Henry and I could not get over it), and when he turned away, it was difficult not to notice the line of stars, perhaps twelve out of the glorious fifty, disappearing into his ass.


The surf was pretty high, but the water was clear and blue and I felt immediately refreshed and replenished. Thank you, southern California. Thank you, Ocean Park. Thank you, Pacific Ocean. Thank you, Henry.


  1. Sophie and Zoey are both called to the sea. Perhaps we are as well. For as difficult it is to take her, when I am there, there is peace and calm in me that I don't have otherwise. And maybe for you as well. At least that is my wish for you.

  2. Love that 2nd pix of Henry and Sophie. I haven't been to the beach this summer but I stuck my feet in a pool today. Luckily I stayed in air conditioning most of the day. I'm glad you got that refreshing break.

  3. Sounds like the update of Eldridge Cleaver's notions of sartorial splendor, circa 1975.

  4. Sounds like a really lovely time, What could be better than 80 at the beach. You are so lucky to live so close.
    I hope you all wore sunscreen!

  5. Your Henry is a beautiful man now. It happened before our eyes.

  6. What Angella said. And sometimes, we just have to go be re-baptized. I am so glad you did. Good on that handsome Henry for going with you.
    And if it's illegal and disrespectful to lay a flag on the ground and people get incredibly bent out of shape about burning it- WTF?

  7. The beach and a swim on a hot day sounds perfect. As for the poor man with the large flag, I've always wondered what they do with such large flags. I know how big a vagina is. What to do with the rest of it?

  8. Was it a bikini Speedo? Why do they still make those? Whenever I go to the pool with friends we both smirk when a man walks by in his bikini Speedo.

    1. It was not a bikini Speedo! I think they make those for competitive swimmers. This was a holster for a penis.

    2. They make them for competitive swimmers and yet non-competitive swimmers wear them. There aught to be a license!

  9. THE LENGTH OF THE FLAG. Priceless.

    Your last name always makes me think of Thomas Aquinas, of course, but it's got that aquatic flavor as well.

  10. Thank you for not posting a picture of that spectacle. Ack!

  11. What a trip.
    Uh, and that flag....long may it wave.
