Thursday, October 15, 2015

Be a Man

Be distant.
Be overwhelmed.
Tie your identity to your work.
Never cry.
Live the cliche.
Edit everything.
Don't communicate.
Give up.
Buck up.
Rob a bank.
Fuck a whore.
Sail your boat.
Cook your soup.
Flex your toes.
Wrap your knee.
Strut your stuff.
Pick a compartment.
Put it there.
File it away.
Climb in.
Slam the door.
Cock your gun.
Cock your comb.
Your cock.


  1. It's a foreign country. Nicely done!

  2. I would not like to live as a man. It's too limiting. I know the big guy feels everything as deeply as I do but nobody knows that, except me. Although I would like to be as physically strong as a man, and pee in the woods standing up obviously:)

  3. Poetically I love this, though I'd like to believe you're thinking of a specific man, rather than men in general!

  4. I love love love poetry that doesn't putz around that gets to the point. This is one of those poems. It draws blood. Brava.

  5. I love love love poetry that doesn't putz around that gets to the point. This is one of those poems. It draws blood. Brava.

  6. How does that Jenner guy, um girl fit into the equation? 8====D

  7. Holy crap. Did you write this? It is brilliant. I am very impressed.

  8. This is the poetry I like. You take no prisoners. I dig you. Thanks.

    Greetings from London.

  9. Birdie: Thank you and yessiree Bob I wrote it!
    A Cuban in London: Thank you. I dig you, too.
    Kenneth Lilly: I wouldn't know.
    Radish King: Thank you. Those are heartheld words, coming from you.
    Ms. Moon: Thank you.
    Steve Reed: I'll never tell.
    lily cedar: Me, neither. But I have no desire to pee standing up.
    liv: I'm glad I amused you!
    Jo: It most certainly is.

  10. Sweet Jesus it's awesome! Send that motherf%^&cker to the man...or some poetry publishing type people...heehee. Seriously, it's great.

  11. powerful hit to the gut. well done.

  12. Have you seen the documentary "The Mask You Live In?" It's a pretty amazing commentary on what it means to be a boy or a man in this culture. I think it might be something you and the boys could watch and talk about. Made by the same folks who made Miss Representation.

  13. can I adore, appreciate and marvel at you even more?
